"There's no place like home!"
- Dorothy Gale, The Wizard of Oz

"There's just no place like home!"
I read an interesting thing in a book today. It's a different perspective on things. I can't quite stop thinking about it. In fact, I've read it over and over again. It's like a steak. It has to be cut into bite size pieces and even still, it has to be chewed well before you can completely swallow it, otherwise, you'll choke on it. It said this:
"You are not deeply spiritual unless
you are growing in meekness, in
submission, in yieldedness and
obedience to the discipline of the
circumstances and environment
in which God has placed you."
I found this list describing "Holiness"
-brokenness of self will
-submission to God
I always thought holiness was about following "the rules." But I'm realizing that's not quite it. As a friend pointed out to me, "You can follow all the rules to a "T" and be self-righteous and judgemental... and that's not so holy!" (Good point!)
As I look over this list, I realize that holiness is about dying to self. It's about surrender. It's about putting your ego on the cross. Anything that has the word "self" attached... is thereby anti- holy.
self- dependent,
The list goes on and on. You get the point.
John the Baptist said it best:
"He must increase, I must decrease."
John 3:30
another version says...
"He must become more important.
I must become less important."
That means...
More of God, Less of Me.
Alive to Christ, Dead to Self.
God's way, Not my way.
This is a life FULLY SUBMITTED to God!
I looked over the list of "Selfs." My gosh, I've been taught, most of my life, that it's all about self... That you have to take care of your self. That if you don't do it, nobody's going to do it for you. That you've got to make it happen for yourself.
God is asking me to do the opposite.
I'm not sure how that's going to happen, but okay God.
I'm willing.
I'm trusting that You'll take me there.
He said,
"Do you keep doing something
just because you've always
done it... even once you know
it's not right?"
I believe it's time for me to turn and go in another direction.
That's what God's doing in me on this 149th Day of The Red Shoe Project.