I dare not travel in anything else, for she gave this to me sacrificially, declaring that is annointed! Some would think that a bit overly dramatic, but beyond the drama is a very wise woman of God who lives a life separated unto the Lord. She is whole-heartedly sold out to God's call on her life and I feel safe and secure in her Ruby Red coat!

I am truly thankful for their love and faithfulness.
Their friendship makes it easy to return home.

I know that some might think that's just a cliche... an over spiritualization perhaps. But no... as I sit in my little, average seat, my heart is FULL. It's full of love. Not only that, I can feel the love. It's powerful! It's overwhelming! It's warm and it's wonderful! That's something that money can't buy. And I'm all the richer for it!
My mother will be awaiting a call when I arrive in the states. No matter what her age - and no matter what my age - she always keeps me in her heart and prayers. She is a good mom. She is a generous mom. And I love her.

My girls are no doubt anxious for my return. I love them, much as my mom loves me. There will be hugs and much conversation. There's a lot of catching up to do. Perhaps Pauly will be sitting at the window when I arrive.
And then there's Bonnie. She will be picking me up at the airport, anxiously awaiting my safe arrival. Oh how I have missed my coffee shop visits with her - the ones where the angels watch over us as we discuss the plans of God. LOL. We will need some time together to exchange stories, encouraging words, and prayers with one another. She is a soul-sister, a true friend and a spiritual mentor. She continually covers me in prayer, and I am forever thankful to God for her!

Before I know it, I will be back
in the USA in RED shoes!
-- Gail
"In everything give thanks
for this is the will of God
in Christ Jesus concerning you."
1 Thessalonians 5:18
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