In my world, starting off the day just as I did, empowered me for everything and anything that would come my way! There's nothing better than a good dose of the Holy Ghost, powerful praise, and a chat with The Father to get off on the right foot! Whewwwww!

I recently testified to a group of ladies that my monetary hardships are but for a season. Deep down, I'm a prosperity preacher! I know that God blesses His people -- especially when you, yourself, are a generous giver. I'm a seed planter! That's how it works.
You Can NEVER out give God!
But with my #1 goal being "to journey to the heart of God," I must confess that I know that if I had money, I would be doing other things! I wish with all my heart that I could honestly say that, without any help from God, I would be desperately seeking his face for 365 days straight. Sorry.... I know myself all too well. If I had money, I'd be off getting a pedicure. I'd be at the movies. I'd be going out to eat all the time with friends. I'd be enjoying the theater. I'd be shopping. Yeah... I'd be doing all those things and more. And what wouldn't I be doing? I wouldn't be seeking God's face! I'd be way too busy for that!
Would you like to know a secret? The idea of my three mile prayer walk emerged because I had no gas in my car and I desperately needed to get out of the house., I threw on my RED sneakers and went for a walk to talk with God about the matter. Next thing I knew, I was prayer walking three to five days a week. It all ended up quite wonderful. I love my prayer walks and can't imagine life without them! My point is... because I had no other options, I resorted to prayer walking.
I know it sounds pathetic, but it's the truth. My meager finances are merely God's way of stripping away all the distractions so that I can be successful in achieving my #1 goal for the year! I want to shout "Thank you Jesus!" and "Ouch!" all in the same breath!
Today, however, something GREAT happened. As soon as I realized the situation at hand, I sat down, closed my eyes, bowed my head and prayed. I heard the Lord whisper...
"Can you hear the crowd of witnesses
cheering you on?"
"Therefore, since we are surrounded
by such a great a cloud of witnesses,
let us throw off everything that hinders ,
and the sin that so easily entangles.
And let us run with perseverance
the race marked out for us,
by such a great a cloud of witnesses,
let us throw off everything that hinders ,
and the sin that so easily entangles.
And let us run with perseverance
the race marked out for us,
fixing our eyes on Jesus..."
That was just what I needed to finish the race that day! And it's exactly what I need to finish up this Red Shoe Project now! I found myself instantly picking up speed. I meditated on that scripture over and over again as I tackled the challenge of the day. All went well. By late afternoon, I ended up at the home of some dear friends, doing what I love most... enjoying a cup of tea, talking about Jesus, and praying up a storm! It couldn't have been better!
I didn't actually hear clapping and shouting, but I was instantly reminded of the time that I ran a half marathon. When I got to the last mile marker, no one else was running with me. It was tough! Then suddenly, I saw people cheering me on. The locals in the neighborhood had set out lawn chairs in front of their houses and were encouraging the runners to keep going. I was a slower runner. I couldn't believe that there were still people parked in front of their houses for me.
"Keep going!" they shouted.
"You're almost done!"
"Just 1 more mile to go!"
"You can do it!"

Wearing my RUBY REDS!