Day 81 of The Red Shoe Project was one of the best days of my life!
Although... I notice that I'm starting to say that almost every day now.
(That is a really good thing!)
Let me start off with a few shout-outs!
*Thank you Bonnie for my new RED ballet flats. I've worn out my other ones -- they are only good for walking the dog now. These new ones are so soft and comfortable, not to mention the absolute cutest! Perfect for journeying down The Yellow Brick Road!
Thank you goes out to
Jean! I loved chatting with you today, sister! I so appreciate your
continued prayers for
The Red Shoe Project! None of it works without prayerful support!
*And lastly, my
Thanks go out to my dear friends,
Jim and Wendy who host our Home Bible Study and Fellowship every month. God is doing amazing things in your midst!

God was so faithful to show up for our Bible Study tonight. When I walked in the house and saw the table spread with boxes of pizza and a huge bowl of salad (with everything in it), I was blessed at the love being poured out by this wonderful Christian family. God has totally transformed their lives this past year, and now I can see that they are bearing Spiritual Fruit as they reach out with the love of God to many!
(That is a really good thing!)

Tonight we got into a verse by verse presentation and discussion of the Easter Story. So many, including myself, were powerfully moved by the revelation of the price Jesus paid for our sins. There were several tears shed... good tears... tears recognizing that He is Good, and we're not so much.
Two people gave their hearts to Christ tonight! (That's a really good thing!)
The angels are dancing!
Earlier today, I popped into Starbucks to study for several hours. People are starting to inquire about
"The Baptism in the Holy Spirit" so I was digging into God's Word, preparing a study on that.
(Now that's a really good thing!)

So I found a box in my closet the other day... it contained a brand new pair of ear buds. Just what I needed! I tried them out at Starbucks today. I plugged them into my laptop, sipped on my Chai Tea Latte, and tuned into worship music on Pandora. At first, I thought to myself,
"This is never going to work, the Starbucks music is just way too loud!" But then I realized that wasn't the Starbucks music, it was Pandora. The quality of the sound was so great that I didn't realize that it was coming from my laptop! LOL. Wow! I had to be really careful. It was like being at a concert. I found myself getting swept into God's presence several times. I almost got up and started singing and dancing, but I caught myself. LOL!
(One good thing... I don't really know anyone at this Starbucks.)
It just blew my mind that no one could hear what I could hear.

Meanwhile, my heart and mind were responding to the Spirit of God dancing within me. Four hours of great worship music can fill you with joy unspeakable!
I wonder what would have happened if I did start singing and dancing in Starburcks? Would that have been so bad? Maybe it would have caused someone to wonder what on earth could make a woman so happy that she'd lose her mind and start dancing and singing in a public place?
Oh my... How many days into
The Red Shoe Project before that actually happens? If and when it does, I guess I'll be one happy gal in
RED shoes!
(I don't know... maybe that could be a really good thing?)

Which brings me to how this
81st day got started. I slipped on those
new RED ballet flats my friend gave me. Just a simple pair of
RED shoes... no bows, no buckles, no high heels, but
POWER-PACKED! This is crazy!!! Crazy-Good!
Can't wait for what tormorrow holds!