* A Light Lunch with Tea & Cookies
* A Silent Auction for the Hospital
* An Introduction to Giving Circles
Truly, I am passionate about GIVING... and although I don't have a lot to give, I can give abundantly by merely getting my friends to give along with me! ...all to good causes, of course!
Several days ago, I talked about the process of Spiritual Metabolism: Spiritual Fueling-> Digestion -> and Giving Out. Day 222 focused on
Places to obtain Daily Bread: House of Prayer, House of Worship, House of God's Word. Today I'd like to talk about... Spiritual Digestion.
When we're in God's Presence, a number of things can happen. Here are just a few to consider along with some Bible references. NOTE: This is just a starting point. You could pursue this study even further on your own and find many, many more examples.
1) God gives specific instruction on what to do, what not to do, what job to complete, where to go and what to say.
Adam walked with God in the Garden. God gave Adam jobs to do. He was instructed to name all the animals. (Genesis 2:19). Adam was also instructed on what not to do --Eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Noah was also instructed by God to build an ark. (Genesis 6:14)
Abraham was instructed to pick up everything and leave -- to go to a new place God would show him. (Genesis 12:1) He was also tested by God when God instructed him to sacrifice Isaac, his only son, and at the last moment God provided a ram. (Genesis 22:8)
Joshua was instructed by God to lead His people into the promised land. (Joshua 1:2)
Samuel was a priest and prophet that God instructed on many occasions, very specifically, where to go, what to do and what to say. One of those times, he was instructed to anoint young David as king. (1 Samuel 16:1-13)
Peter was given very specific instruction for the gentile believers.
(Acts 10: 9-16)
Saul who became The Apostle Paul was told by Jesus to go into the city and wait for further instruction. (Acts 9:6)
Barnabas and Saul were set apart for ministry while the church prayed. (Acts 13:2)
2) God gives prophetic words, visions and dreams.
Jacob saw a ladder going to heaven with angels going up and down.
(Genesis 28:10-19)
Joseph was just a teenager when God gave him visions of the future.
(Genesis 37:5)
Samuel heard God's voice and God told Samuel what was about to happen.
(1 Sam. 3:11-14)
The Apostle John received a revelation from God on the Island of Patmos. (The Book of Revelation)
Cornelius, a gentile, was given instruction in a dream on exactly where to find Peter and to go get him. (Acts 10:1-8)
3) God encourages and blesses those who seek him.
Abraham entered into a covenant with God and God blessed him!
Jacob wrestled with God until he blessed him! He was left with a limp and a new name, Israel (Genesis 32:22-32)
Joshua was encouraged by God as He sent him forth to conquer the land! (Joshua 1:1-9)
4) God fills people with the Holy Spirit in His presence.
Jesus' followers were in the upper room, waiting on God, in unity when they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues. (Acts 2:4)
Saul/Paul was filled with the Holy Spirit and received his sight while Ananias prayed for him.
Cornelius, (a gentile) and his entire house were filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues. (Acts 10: 44-47).
5) God performs Miracles in His Presence.
There are many examples of Miracles taking place in God's presence. This is seen continuously in the Book of Acts during prayer meetings, when the Word of God is being preached, when the disciples lay hands on others and pray, and when people are praying on their own. Miracles are a divine act of God. They may come in the form of Healing, Deliverance, Salvation, Provision and Favor.

Being "HUMBLE"
is about recognizing that
GOD is The Creator and
I'm a mere human being --
part of His Glorious creation.
I'm always mindful that as wonderful as all this is, it's also an incredibly humbling experience to be in the presence of God Almighty. Within moments, I'm aware of the fact that I'm a mere human being, part of God's very own creation, and here I am standing before My Maker!
The prophets would testify of bowing down as low as they could get. God's people greatly believed that no man could see God face to face and live. Isaiah, shouted out, "Woe is me! I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty." (Isaiah 6:5)
When Moses came down from the mountain after meeting with God, Exodus 34:29-35 tells us that his face glowed from being in the Presence of Gods Glory. The people were so afraid that Moses ended up covering up his face with a veil.
As I get ready to sign off for tonight's Red Shoe Project, I'm mesmerized at all that takes place during "Spiritual Digestion." It's all about what God does in us in response to our being in His Presence and eating fresh bread. I can sum it all up in these two words:
Places to obtain Daily Bread: House of Prayer, House of Worship, House of God's Word. Today I'd like to talk about... Spiritual Digestion.
Just what happens when I sit in God's Presence?
Worship and Magnify Him -- Soak in His Spirit --
Enter into The Secret Place with Him in prayer?
How is that "Spiritual Intake" broken down
into a divine energy that compels me
to go out and live my life for Christ?
Putting ourselves in God's Presence,
sets us up to be transformed.
We're changed in some way. We don't leave the way we came. Something happens! We're altered -- converted -- overhauled. Our mindset, thoughts and character are re-shaped, re-arranged, re-organized so that they align with God... so that we look more like God. We become less of ourselves and more like Him.
When we're in God's Presence, a number of things can happen. Here are just a few to consider along with some Bible references. NOTE: This is just a starting point. You could pursue this study even further on your own and find many, many more examples.
1) God gives specific instruction on what to do, what not to do, what job to complete, where to go and what to say.
Adam walked with God in the Garden. God gave Adam jobs to do. He was instructed to name all the animals. (Genesis 2:19). Adam was also instructed on what not to do --Eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Noah was also instructed by God to build an ark. (Genesis 6:14)
Abraham was instructed to pick up everything and leave -- to go to a new place God would show him. (Genesis 12:1) He was also tested by God when God instructed him to sacrifice Isaac, his only son, and at the last moment God provided a ram. (Genesis 22:8)
Joshua was instructed by God to lead His people into the promised land. (Joshua 1:2)
Samuel was a priest and prophet that God instructed on many occasions, very specifically, where to go, what to do and what to say. One of those times, he was instructed to anoint young David as king. (1 Samuel 16:1-13)
Peter was given very specific instruction for the gentile believers.
(Acts 10: 9-16)
Saul who became The Apostle Paul was told by Jesus to go into the city and wait for further instruction. (Acts 9:6)
Barnabas and Saul were set apart for ministry while the church prayed. (Acts 13:2)
2) God gives prophetic words, visions and dreams.
Jacob saw a ladder going to heaven with angels going up and down.
(Genesis 28:10-19)
Joseph was just a teenager when God gave him visions of the future.
(Genesis 37:5)
Samuel heard God's voice and God told Samuel what was about to happen.
(1 Sam. 3:11-14)
The Apostle John received a revelation from God on the Island of Patmos. (The Book of Revelation)
Cornelius, a gentile, was given instruction in a dream on exactly where to find Peter and to go get him. (Acts 10:1-8)
3) God encourages and blesses those who seek him.
Abraham entered into a covenant with God and God blessed him!
Jacob wrestled with God until he blessed him! He was left with a limp and a new name, Israel (Genesis 32:22-32)
Joshua was encouraged by God as He sent him forth to conquer the land! (Joshua 1:1-9)
4) God fills people with the Holy Spirit in His presence.
Jesus' followers were in the upper room, waiting on God, in unity when they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues. (Acts 2:4)
Saul/Paul was filled with the Holy Spirit and received his sight while Ananias prayed for him.
Cornelius, (a gentile) and his entire house were filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues. (Acts 10: 44-47).
5) God performs Miracles in His Presence.
There are many examples of Miracles taking place in God's presence. This is seen continuously in the Book of Acts during prayer meetings, when the Word of God is being preached, when the disciples lay hands on others and pray, and when people are praying on their own. Miracles are a divine act of God. They may come in the form of Healing, Deliverance, Salvation, Provision and Favor.

Being "HUMBLE"
is about recognizing that
GOD is The Creator and
I'm a mere human being --
part of His Glorious creation.
I'm always mindful that as wonderful as all this is, it's also an incredibly humbling experience to be in the presence of God Almighty. Within moments, I'm aware of the fact that I'm a mere human being, part of God's very own creation, and here I am standing before My Maker!
The prophets would testify of bowing down as low as they could get. God's people greatly believed that no man could see God face to face and live. Isaiah, shouted out, "Woe is me! I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty." (Isaiah 6:5)
When Moses came down from the mountain after meeting with God, Exodus 34:29-35 tells us that his face glowed from being in the Presence of Gods Glory. The people were so afraid that Moses ended up covering up his face with a veil.
As I get ready to sign off for tonight's Red Shoe Project, I'm mesmerized at all that takes place during "Spiritual Digestion." It's all about what God does in us in response to our being in His Presence and eating fresh bread. I can sum it all up in these two words:
We're Changed!
Good night, my friends.