Overall, worn out shoes are due to excessive wearing
and in my case, that's a good sign. It shows that I mean business.
I really am
Walking out my Faith
each day in RED shoes!
"Walking it out"
That's what I want to talk to you about today.
I've been in and out of the house several times today, in several different pairs of RED shoes, and in the coming and going, to and from different places, I have been honored to lift several people up in prayer. A few people, in particular, are endeavoring to walk down their own Yellow Brick Road filled with challenges beyond measure. They are bravely putting one foot in front of the other, taking on one challenge at a time, one step at a time, and walking it out!
They are acknowledging God's presence
and asking Him to help.
- They are asking God for guidance and direction in their life.
- They are asking God for courage to do what needs to be done.
- They are asking God for wisdom in what to say and how to say it.
- They are asking God for provision where there is none.
- They are asking God to open and close doors as He deems fit.
- They are asking God for favor.
Sometimes that's the hardest part... TO ASK GOD. It shouldn't be, but it often is. Why? Mostly because of our self reliant attitude that states... "I can take care of myself - I don't need help!" Of course it's a good thing to want to work hard and do a good job at whatever you put your mind to, BUT if all that gets in the way of partnering with God... then it's not so good.
It took me a long time for this to sink in...
God so desperately wants me to be in PARTNERSHIP with Him.
He wants to take all that I have to offer and intertwine
it with His Spirit, making it an awesome "combined" effort.
The perfect mix of... God and me.
That's what blesses Him!

It's missing God! And with that, the individual has limited their presentation to what is humanly possible.
Don't you see? He doesn't want to be invited to "watch" the program.
He wants to be invited to be "part" of the program.
Many times I've had such good intentions
in wanting to do something for God.
But His desire is that I do something with God!
And when God is involved... that's when things come out of the box!
That's when the fireworks go off!
That's when the anointing falls!
That's when "POW!" happens.
That's when the GLORY sets in!
That's when the onlookers are wrecked!
They can't understand it. - They can't take it in.
Their brains can't fully process it
because it goes beyond human boundaries.
Their mouths drop open.
They are brought to tears.
They're speechless.
They stand in awe.
They don't even know how to respond.
In reality, GOD can blow every one of us out of the water.
There's no competition with God.
When was the last time, you placed the stars in the heavens? or created a man from the dirt of the earth? chiseled out a Grande Canyon? or healed someone of cancer? God has nothing but stellar performances each and every time. We should be honored that He's willing to look in our direction, let alone establish a relationship with us, mentor us and partner with us.
Do you get it? He wants to walk with YOU and ME, the way He walked with Adam in the garden. That's what blesses Him!
So "BRAVO!" to all of you who are taking the initiative of entering into that Divine Partnership. It's not easy! I never said it would be easy! But it's rewards are crazy, awesome! And better yet... it pleases Him!
RED shoes, but God
will get the Glory
for your life!
I'm praying tonight for All of You who are "walking it out!"