As always, today's study was an excellent one. I arrived, in my comfy, RED ballet flats, just as our theme was being presented: "2013 - a Year of Release". It all came together, much like an artist painting a picture before us. In the end, all of the scriptures, stories, and personal experiences presented a divine display of our topic. Everyone contributed... including The Holy Spirit.
What was really interesting was how it ended. We were getting ready to wrap up our event and close in prayer, when all of a sudden, I felt so strongly that I needed to share the importance of dealing with our personal issues at hand, so that we might feel a "release" to move on to the next level of our walk with God. Normally, I would have just let Bonnie close, but it was as if I had this thought or concept that filled my mind, and I just had to empty it onto the table before the group. Following me, another gal bore witness to what was said by sharing that she, too, had been thinking exactly the same thing.
Was The Holy Spirit trying to say something to us?
Understand me when I say that I wasn't trying to get someone to do anything. If it were up to me... I would have thought it a nice time to close, and move into the cafe for lunch. BUT something inside me - no... someone inside me -- The Holy Spirit -- He had something to say, and He just happened to use my mouth to speak it.
Once that message was delivered, Bonnie moved into a closing time of prayer. I looked around the circle as we all proceeded to bow our heads. Everyone was composed and good. I remember thinking to myself, "That's ok... God will reveal to whoever that person is, that it's them, before they rest their head on their pillow tonight, and they can pray it out in the privacy of their own home".
Suddenly... God triggered something in one woman's heart. In a moment's time, she totally broke, and out gushed a stream of confession and prayer to God. It was awesome! We all lovingly huddled around her and agreed with her in prayer. Wow! The Holy Spirit just met her in that place of "RELEASE". It was such a Living Illustration of our entire study. Man... when the Holy Ghost decides to participate, it just brings things to an entirely different place... a Divine Dimension. How can we settle for anything less after that?
Afterward, the woman described that right up until the last moment, she remembered thinking, " I wonder who it is? It's not me." and then as she bowed her head, God revealed to her that it was her, and she just let go, and let God have His way! What a breakthrough it was for her!
Of course, I'm just telling you my perspective on the meeting. I have no doubts that all the gals involved could share their own blessed take-away.
You know... in some ways it's a challenge to let God speak through me. In other ways, I'm not sure I have a choice. When He wants to speak, He has a unique way of getting my attention and letting His voice be heard.
Red Shoes. Ruby Slippers ... They seem so bold and bright. Yet when The Holy Spirit decides to move powerfully in your midst, He outshines everything! Because He's not a pair of magical shoes. He's God Almighty.
Can't wait for tomorrow brings,