Blessing #1
My eyes were barely open when I received a phone call from a dear friend. We chatted up a storm, while glorying in the works of God. He had spent the morning basking in God's glory. How delightful!
Blessing #2
As our conversation continued, God began to piece things together for me about what He is doing in my life. And to think, it all started with a scripture from God's Word. Yup... that's all it takes! We talked about a scripture that was part of a story from God's Book, and it ended up being part of my story! I love when God shows me "the big picture" because it reminds me of His Greatness. I can't even see the fullness of what He's doing, without His help. Another reason to Praise His Name!
Blessing #3
My friend put me on speaker phone, and our chat went in even another direction as God began to show me things prophetically about him and his sons. They are set apart to be soul winners for Christ. We talked about how God stirs the hearts of the unsaved around us well before they even show an interest in God. That's when we can begin praying. And we are doing just that!
Oh! That souls might be saved!
Blessing #4
As the afternoon rolled around, I found myself on a long drive to an appointment. Time for a chat with God. I found myself asking God question after question... only His response each time was the same: "You already know the answer to that, Gail." As I thought about it. I did!
Throughout my Christian walk, I've noticed that when God speaks to me, He'll often confirm and reinforce so that I know, without a doubt, what He's saying. But today, He was showing me that I no longer need that same level of continual reinforcement. He's encouraging me to stand strong on His direction and more forward in it confidently. Wow! okay... I can do that. I know that He will always be there to reinforce when necessary, but I also know that there will be times that I must be able to act quickly on his command, without hesitation.
Blessing #5 & 6

Did I mention that I leave for Scotland in a few days for some family business? M'Intyre sounded rather Scottish, so I quickly popped it in my bag for a little read later on.
Later on eventually arrived. I stopped in a favorite lunch spot for a salad. As I picked up in the book, where I last left off, I found myself in an "Access Point" with God. Access Points are places where God supernaturally draws me into the Secret Place with Him. It could be a specific song, or a video clip, a message, a movie, a scripture, a story, a place or more. I know it's an access point because He's there. And today, I could barely get through a page of this book. He kept calling me. "Come spend time with me!" I know when He does that... I must go!
Besides... He was toying with me. Right there in the restaurant, He showed me a vision of myself doing a financial victory dance. In my mind, I could see myself dancing for joy and knew that it was in regards to God's faithful provision. I'm not in possession of the divine gift just yet. But God released it almost a month ago, and assured me that it would be in my hands within 30 days. Hallelujah! Not just that... earlier this week, while in prayer, I saw myself catching a football and God told me that I was seeing myself catch the financial gift that He released.
It's a very good thing,
when you see yourself,
catching the promise!
And it's a very good thing
seeing yourself doing
the victory dance!
The Biggest Blessing of All!
As I left that place, I found myself eager to get home. I couldn't wait to get in prayer. God started speaking to me right there in the car. He wanted to set a daily time for us to meet. A time, first thing every day, to talk face to face. You would have thought that I was sixteen again, and agreeing to meet my high school sweetheart, first thing every morning, to walk to school together. It's official. We're a couple!
Really? I mean come on! Everyone knows that you should start each day with some quiet time with God, right? Yeah... but this is different. He's got my heart in His hands now. It's not the same thing! He loves me and I love Him. So... I know that He's always loved me. Maybe I just love Him differently now -- More intimately -- More deeply -- More committed -- More everything. RED shoes will do that! Besides, I've changed! And I'm going with it! I've agreed to meet Him every morning. I guess we'll see what comes of that. I don't really care about the results... I just want to be with Him, at the start of my day, before the distractions begin. I want His voice to be the first voice I hear. I want to know what He wants to do. I want to put my head against His heart and hear it beat!
Ok... so you know that these weren't the only raindrops of blessing, right? There's just too many to tell. But boy, do I love the rain!
No umbrellas please!
Red Shoes a must!