While we we sitting in the coffee shop, chatting, I realized God was speaking something that wasn't just for us. Right there and then I said to my friend,
"I believe God wants me to share this in today's blog." I made a mental note to bathe the thought in prayer and see if, in fact, that's where God wanted to go.
Unexpectedly my 5:30 appointment was rescheduled to 8 p.m., so needless to say, I had a couple hours to kill. After re-adjusting my schedule, I realized that I didn't have time to run home, so I found the nearest Starbucks, ordered an ice tea and got comfortable in one of those over-sized chairs. After reading my Bible and doing some research, I pulled out my notebook and asked God about today's blog.
He confirmed that He wanted to speak
a specific Word to someone.

Earlier, my friend and I were talking about a lamb being caught in the thicket. Sometimes the thicket represents sin. But the thicket can also simply represent a place you're stuck in.
Sometimes a sheep just wanders off. It doesn't mean to. It just gets caught up munching on a particular patch of grass and when it looks up, the rest of the gang is gone. "Where'd they go?"

This I know...
Jesus is the Great Shepherd.
He's coming for you!
That's right... He's coming for YOU! You know who you are. Right now, you're wondering, "Is she talking about me?" YES! I am talking about you. You know it because the Spirit within you is bearing witness to you as you read this. You are thinking, "This is crazy... she can't be talking about me." And I'm confirming to you right now, IT IS YOU. He's talking to YOU! In this silly little blog about RED shoes, He's calling to you...
"I'm coming little lamb.
I hear your cry.
I know exactly where you are.
I love you.
I have not forgotten you.
Stay put.
I will take you out of that place.
I will lift you onto my shoulders
and carry you back to the fold, myself.
Be patient and wait.
Be still and know that I am God!"
That is today's word. If it's for you, receive it. And if not, take confidence in knowing that if you ever get stuck in a place you don't belong, The Great Shepherd will come for you.
What I really love about this is that God's Word is timeless. So you may read this tonight, and know that God is speaking specifically to YOU. Someone else may read this three days from now and realize that this word is for them. There will even be some that won't read this until it's in book form. It may be a year from now, or even five years from now. Even still, He will speak it to them personally for that specific time. This "timeless" thing does have its advantages.
I'm kicking off my Ruby Reds now, believing that God has spoken to those who are stuck and calling out to Him for help.
Know that my prayers are with you.