All day, I kept picturing a time -- long ago -- when I was caught in the bramble. Have you ever found yourself in a situation and wondered...
"How the heck did I get here?"
There you are -- fallen -- into some sort of dark ditch where you don't belong. It's a sad and lonely place. It's a dark place. And you're stuck, amongst the thorns, unable to move.
I was tricked! The enemy of my soul showered me with lies, and I grabbed a hold of one of them and made it my own. I kept believing the lie, that this road -- that so nicely catered to my flesh -- would provide the answer I'd been looking for. It seemed like a valid option at the time. But I only saw what I wanted -- the result -- and with that, I totally overlooked the fine details of sin.
I wasn't a Christian, but even still, I knew that I was in the wrong place, doing the wrong things. In that dark, forsaken hole, I knew that I had been created for something more... destined for something better. Why had I settled for so much less? What happened to my dreams?
The last time I was in the bramble, (Yes, I found myself there on more than one occasion), I was a Believer. That was even worse! Eventually, the truth seeped in. What had I done? Spiritually speaking, I had squandered everything of importance running down a rabbit trail that lead nowhere. I took a chance and came up empty.
The last time I was in the bramble, (Yes, I found myself there on more than one occasion), I was a Believer. That was even worse! Eventually, the truth seeped in. What had I done? Spiritually speaking, I had squandered everything of importance running down a rabbit trail that lead nowhere. I took a chance and came up empty.
How did I get there?
I took little steps,
one after the other,
in the wrong direction.
At first, I just distanced myself slightly from the fold. Before I knew it, the others were out of sight. I was in a strange place, unfamiliar territory. Someone told me it was freedom. I could do whatever I wanted to do and that I shouldn't worry about a thing. They pointed out how good it felt... and I believed. I shut off my conscience and took off running.
Looking back now, I was a rebel, a dissenter, a non-conformist. I made a decision and wandered off. My intention was never to become a deserter, a renegade, a traitor. I never thought that far ahead. I just wanted "it." The sad thing is... I never really got "it." I got something that looked like "it," but it turned out to be a counterfeit, a fraud, a fake, a knockoff. The enemy, who positioned himself as my new friend, never delivered. While entangled in that horrible bramble, I realized that this so called friend, never had any intention of delivering "it." I'd been duped! -- fooled! -- taken advantage of. He was no friend. He was a wolf in sheep's clothing.
I'm not passing on the blame, here. When that moment of reality sunk in, it was clear... I should have known better. I should have stayed put. I should have trusted my shepherd. I should have been obedient. But I didn't. I let it all go, on what now seems, like a whim.
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