RED high heals, joyfully bopping around town to several important meetings. BUT I didn't start off all happy-go-lucky. I woke up this morning tired, a little under the weather, and dragging. I wasn't looking forward to getting out of bed. It just happens to be a Monday, but Mondays don't usually have that kind of effect on me. I headed straight for the shower in hope that a blasting stream of hot water would cure my grumpies. NOT!
After getting dressed, I sat down at my desk to take care of a few emails. Just then, I received a message via text from a friend who was obviously having a dreadful day herself. With every word on the screen, I could feel myself sinking further and further downward. This was not good! I knew she wanted a phone call, but I was in no place to lift her up. I was sinking myself!
So I texted her back...
"Have you spent your quiet time with God yet today?
If not, find a quiet place --
take a walk in the neighborhood,
go to the park and sit under a shady tree,
breathe in the salty air at the beach -- you choose.
For now, put all your concerns aside -- shelf them!
Start off by singing a couple songs,
then read a little Bible and thank God
for all the things that are going right! -- No negativity!
Then ask God what He wants you to do today.
That's what I'm about to do. I'll catch up with you later."
It may sound harsh, but at that moment, I had nothing for anyone. I hadn't had my quiet time yet. I immediately shut my phone off, and turned up the Christian worship on my computer. I was determined to follow my own advice!
An hour later, I was heading out the door in my RUBY REDS, ready for anything. The day wasn't so bad -- now that I was sporting a new perspective. I'm not going to kid you... I had to push through at first, but at some point, I'm not exactly sure when, things took a turn for the better. God led me to meetings I hadn't even planned for. And they all turned out to be quite profitable.
One meeting in particular gained me a new "RUBY"-- That's what I'm now calling my Red Shoe Project followers...
Yes... so as I was driving down the street, I had a strong prompting in my spirit to stop in at a local organization for some information. I could have just called in or checked their website, but I thought it would be better to actually meet someone in person. That's when I met Kaci -- What a wonderful gal! I noticed that she has some "Wizard of Oz" pics by her desk, (which of course opened the door to all sorts of magical conversation), and next thing I know, she's showing me a picture of her wedding day, and guess what?
She's wearing RED sparkly shoes under that beautiful wedding dress! How awesome is that? We became instant friends, and she'll be checking out the daily blog! I love it!
That's two new RUBIES in two weeks that God divinely set me up with. Time will tell what God has in store for them. I'm already blessed in just having talked with them.

It's a divine little kiss on the cheek from The One who loves me most!
It's one of the little ways He says...
"I want you to know that
I'm thinking about you,
and I know you love it when I do this!"
And He's right. He's the only one who can do that -- set me up with that kind of surprise! It just makes my heart dance in my chest. Even now... my feet, (still clad in RED shoes), are tapping up and down with excitement, just thinking about His love for me! You might think, "What's the big deal?" And that's just it... It is a BIG deal! It would be nothing if it were just once or twice. But He does little things like this to me all the time -- when I least expect it. I can almost hear Him saying... "Got ya!" LOL.
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