"I want you to come visit this weekend!"
my best girlfriend cried out.
"Some people are here, I know you'd love to see."

at a literal crossroads.
If I went left, I'd get onto the highway
heading west, towards home.
If I went right, I'd be heading east for Orlando.
I could be at my friend's house in less than an hour.
I turned sharply and shouted,
"I'm on my way!"
I merged onto Route 4, heading west towards Orlando, and within moments, panic struck. I only had the clothes on my back. Did I even have make up on? Oh gosh... these visitors were old friends I hadn't seen in years. All of a sudden I felt, unkempt, unfashionable and somewhat undone. I know I shouldn't think about such trivial things... but I do. I picked up my phone and dialed up a friend of mine. Her words of advice...
"Sounds like it's destined to be!
Go for it!"
As she hung up, I burst into tears.
"Pull it together, Gail!"
I told myself.
"Lord... What is going on here?"
My flesh was rearing it's ugly head in great magnitude. That's always a sign that God must be getting ready to bless. Yup... I've noticed a pattern. Whenever it becomes "All about me" -- when confusion and anxiety set in -- when I sense fear pushing its way to the surface... the enemy is at work. He's trying to turn me around in the other direction. When that happens, I now default to letting the Spirit of God intercede on my behalf. It would be so easy for me to pray in error -- to pray out of a fearful heart -- to respond in the flesh. The Holy Spirit, however, will pray through me and for me, according to God's will.
God did have a few words for me as I wiped my tears and drove on. He reminded me of a time, not so long ago, when He told me that I needed to get naked. He said that I had clothed myself in a way that I thought was palatable to others, in hope of winning them to Christ... But that way didn't work. It never produced any fruit. He said there were people desperately wanting to hear the message I had, but that they couldn't find me. I was too covered up.
With each month of The Red Shoe Project I have found myself shedding more and more of that very covering. Yes, I am getting naked. I'm showing who I really am in Christ. I' don't blend in so much anymore. It can feel awkward at times. But mostly it just feels great. I'm living for Jesus... Out loud! -- Out in the open! -- No holds barred! --Without reservation! Maybe not 100%, but almost... I'm getting there, slowly but surely. That's one of the things that God has been unwinding me from.
The Lord confided in me: My appearance could tend to be a a bit of a distraction. When I focus so much on how I look...
Isn't that:
More of me and less of Him?
When it should be:
Less of me and more of Him?
Now... I'm not saying that I should look my worst. But He's showing me that striving so hard, putting so much of my energy, attention and resources towards how I look to others is not as important as I think. In fact, it merely shows my personal insecurity and disregard for who I am in Christ.
An EMPTY vessel...
Clean and clear
of any debris.
A vessel empty of me!
A vessel that God
can flow through easily.
People don't need to be wondering, What color is the vessel? What material is the vessel made of? How is the vessel unique? NO! NO! NO! Optimally, people shouldn't even notice the vessel. They should be merely awestruck by God and what He's doing. Nothing more! The vessel needs never to be mentioned. When that's the case. God is in the forefront. He's center stage. He gets ALL the glory. That's the most excellent way!
Right before arriving, I pulled into a parking lot, put on a little make up, fixed my hair, and spent some time in prayer. I wasn't sure what God had in store for me, but I had just received a powerful lesson from Him and now it was time to apply it to my life. What can I say? My heart and mind came into agreement with God in that little white car. A confidence came over me, a smile appeared on my face, and I believed that I didn't need to worry about the minuscule details concerning myself and how wonderful I might appear to others. I think that might be referred to as a "Divine Adjustment."
Naked, except for RED shoes,
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