After reading The Practice of the Presence of God yesterday, today I made it a priority to try to remain in His presence, all day long, through prayer. I am virtually all alone on this retreat, except for the little pup I am watching called Lowell. For the most part, it's a silent retreat. Okay... I can hear some of you, who know me well, laughing. "Gail... silent?" I do have my moments, you know. And it's a lot easier with no one around. LOL.
Knowing that this endeavor would be challenging, I have done better than expected. Several times my mind started to wander, but I followed Brother Lawrence's recommendations and pulled myself back on track. I have prayed for many and when I could think of nothing more, I allowed the Holy Spirit to pray for me according to Romans 8:26. I have praised Him, sung to Him and simply talked with Him on many matters. I have also pondered scripture and thoughts as I have begun to read a new book,
The Prayer Life,
by Andrew Murray
I felt led to bring this book with me on this retreat. It's an old favorite on my bookshelf that I've had for thirty years. When I started reading it last night, the Lord told me we'd discuss it after I'm done. He says I'm going to enjoy it!
Right there...
I know He's up to something!
He reminded me of when I first got saved. From Day One I began praying. I don't remember ever having a disciplined prayer life prior to that. (Although I'm sure my mother taught me to recite prayers at bedtime when I was a child.) But upon salvation, it just seemed right that I would talk with God, especially since I'd just given my life to Him. Prayer was always my #1 ministry. So here we go... another full circle it seems. I love it!

It took me a moment to fully wake, and then, of course, I started to wonder if I had in fact heard an actual knock. It seemed so real. I turned on the light, got out of bed and listened to see if another knock followed. It did not.
That kind of thing can freak a gal out, waking up to a knock on the door at 4 a.m. in a huge house, on her own. But, immediately, The Holy Spirit calmed me down. He is The Comforter, you know. He told me not to worry, and that it was nothing. I was confident there was nothing to be alarmed about, and went right back to sleep.
I read somewhere that when you hear a knock like that in your dreams, it's because you are expecting someone or something to come into your life. I can think of several things I'm expecting... but first and foremost, I'm expecting God! Yes... I have widely opened the door of my heart, and I'm expecting Him to arrive in greater measure.
Like a visitor coming for a weekend visit, I am believing Him to fellowship with me on this retreat. I do believe that has already begun. Perhaps that was Him knocking, announcing His arrival? He did speak to me right then and there. And He has continued throughout the day.
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,
I will come in and eat with that person,
and they with me."
Revelation 3:20

Quietly waiting,
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