but today is the day!
Yesterday, something strange happened to me on my prayer walk.
I was about two miles out, when suddenly, BOOM! my breath was taken from me.
I couldn't breathe!
How weird is that? No reason. I had to stop, right then and there, bend over and try to catch my breath. "What's going on?" I thought. "Lord, Is there something you're trying to tell me? Are you stopping me in my tracks to show me something? Are you slowing me down for a purpose?"
I tried to re-start my walk three or four times, but no, it wasn't happening. My power walk shifted into first gear and slowly I puttered home. The rest of the day was business as usual. I soon forgot about the mishap... until this morning that is.
When I opened my eyes this morning, I noticed immediately the big BELIEVE sign glaring down at me. It seemed like God couldn't to wait to tell me...
the day!
Let's tell the world!"
"Really Lord... today?
We're going to tell them today?" I said.
Then I remembered last night's blog entry on FAITH. There I was telling you how God speaks to us... over and over again, in the same way, so that we know it's Him. And today... before I've even gotten out of bed, (Yes, I'm writing this, on my laptop, in bed!), He's putting me to the test. He's asking me to trust Him on this and to share the secret so that my "rubies" can see how it all rolls out to manifestation.

A little something from heaven, that I never could have anticipated, has been added to the script of my life. One day, nothing. The next day, God's blessing has positioned itself front and center.
If I'd tried to plan it, it never
would have happened.
I guess God just decided to rain down a little fun. Now then,
what am I gonna do with it?
He wants to tell the world!
It all started a few months ago. I woke up just "knowing." I texted my friend, "Your never going to believe this, but..." She wasn't surprised in the least. "Yes..." she said. "I see it happening quick! Like soon! Maybe even before the end of the year!"
The end of the year? Really?
How could something possibly happen
that quickly... especially when everything else
in my life is happening so slowly?
What about me? Don't I have any say in this? My life is taking off in a new direction and I find myself running to jump on the plane so as not to be left behind from my own destiny. LOL!
I'll have to think this thing through while in flight!
I began looking back on the last year of my life. Three people, out of nowhere have prophesied over me, that this would happen. I just fluffed it off. What did they know? Prophets... always putting stuff out there like that. They were speaking it, but at the time, I guess I didn't want to hear it. My heart wasn't in a place to receive a message like that... at least not then. But things were changing rapidly. God began preparing my heart. In these last months, I've undergone major surgery and didn't even realize the seriousness of it all. It was divine heart surgery performed by Doctor Jesus, Himself.
I'm getting married!
He's told me I'm getting married!
"Gail, I just had a dream about you last night!
It was a Wizard of Oz dream!"
I broke into her declaration and asked...
"Was I getting married?"
She responded in disbelief...
"Oh my gosh...
How did you know that?"
What can I say?
He's preparing my heart!
While I was prayer walking last week, the Lord began to open up the scriptures to me about Adam in the garden. God knew that it was not good for man to be alone. Human Beings were never created to be alone. (Oh my gosh... Corrie Ten Boom was speaking to the ant, because she wasn't created to be alone!) God showed me how He specifically made woman to compliment the man. Two individual human beings meant to unite as one! WOW!
As I lay here considering all that God has done, I see that He's been grooming me all year-- changing my heart, changing my mindset, preparing me for a new life --
a life with someone, someone specific that He's chosen for me to unite with for a purpose!
Those of you still waiting for your Special One, please don't hate me for this.
I remember reading that J.R.R. Tolken, (author of The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings), was quite perturbed when his friend C.S. Lewis presented to him his manuscript entitled, The Chronicles of Narnia. Tolken had spent over a decade developing lands and languages and characters. How was it that Lewis could throw a similar type work together in such a short period of time? It's simply not fair! It's not supposed to work that way! Surely it's not possible! What can I say? Sometimes God just does it that way. He drops a blessing into your lap. Who knows why?
So the secret is out! Shall 2014 be a new book... Married in RED shoes? LOL. Time will tell. I know I'm on the threshold of a new adventure, but as I've mentioned before, God's "divine timing" can be tricky. "Soon" to Him, is not always the same as how I interpret "soon" to be. I guess we'll find out together. In case you are wondering...
"Who is he?
Who's this man Gail is going to marry?"

at least I don't think I have.
I only know this:
He's already taken my breath away!
Talk more soon,
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