a picture that hung on my wall.
I painted it, myself, earlier in the year, at an art class I attended. It shows a little girl, in RED Mary Janes, opening a big, heavy, wooden door and peeking inside. Behind it, a magnificent light shines forth.
In big, bold, block letters,
the sign on the door says...
I felt so small in comparison with the things that God was bringing my way. Part of me was intrigued and excited, like a child looking inside the door of a toy store. On the other hand... how intimidating! Who would have thought, that in such a short period of time, these RED shoes of mine would march me right into the middle of that place? LOL.
I'm not saying that I'm not intimidated at times. But I'm no longer outside, looking in. I'm well into the world of FAITH.

When Dorothy and her friends arrived at the Emerald City to see the Wizard, they first had to pass through the front gate. There, they were met by The Guardian of the Gate who fixed upon each of their heads a pair of green colored glasses.
How else would everyone view the GREENESS of The Emerald City? With the glasses locked in place and immovable, everything appeared some shade of green. (You didn't know that, did you?)

Once I had a pair of readers that had tiny little lights on the front of them so that I could see what I was reading in the dark. They were tiny, but they were powerful. Everything on the page immediately came to the forefront.
The Holy Spirit is the power behind my spiritual glass. He brings everything that is meant to be in the future
to the forefront of my heart and mind.
So I can pray it into existence!
God loves it when I believe enough to pray something I've seen with my spiritual glasses into existence. That means I keep bathing what God's shown me or told in prayer, until I see it happen. Every time I go to prayer, I remind God of it. When I talk to Him, I say things like...
"I know you are going to do it, Lord!
Praise the Lord! I can't wait!
Thank You Jesus!
Thank You Jesus!
Bring it to pass, Lord!
Glory to God!
Glory to God!
What I love most is the manifestation of those prayers. Seeing what He told me would happen, become reality. Just a note though... sometimes manifestation comes the same day, week, month or year. And other times it's decades. (It's that "Divine Time" thing!) But if He shows you, just believe, pray it through, and it will come to pass.
Jesus said in Mark 9:23 NIV...
Jesus said in Mark 9:23 NIV...
"Everything is possible for one who believes!"
One thing I've noticed is this...
Here's why...
God shows you something. You think, "Maybe this is God?"
so you follow through and pray. Next thing you know, it happens.
You think... "Wow! God told me He was going to do that and He did!"
Then some time goes by and God shows you something again...
almost exactly in the same way. You think...
"God did something like this before - Maybe it's God again?"
So you follow through and pray again. Sure enough, it happens.
"Wow!" you think. "Look what God has done!"
Some time goes by and lo and behold it happens again, and again, and again.
And God is faithful time and time again.
That's why He does things the same way over and over again. He's building your faith through experience. Then, He'll speak to you a little differently... and the cycle repeats itself. It doesn't take long before you realize that time and time again, God comes through... that you can trust Him to do what He says He's going to do.
Before you know it, there you are -- in the big world of FAITH, in your little RED shoes, believing God for GREAT and MIGHTY things!
When it comes to FAITH,
you have to start sometime, somewhere.
Once you do, it gets easier.
Here's why...
God shows you something. You think, "Maybe this is God?"
so you follow through and pray. Next thing you know, it happens.
You think... "Wow! God told me He was going to do that and He did!"
Then some time goes by and God shows you something again...
almost exactly in the same way. You think...
"God did something like this before - Maybe it's God again?"
So you follow through and pray again. Sure enough, it happens.
"Wow!" you think. "Look what God has done!"
Some time goes by and lo and behold it happens again, and again, and again.
And God is faithful time and time again.
He so desperately wants us
to know His voice and how He works.
That's why He does things the same way over and over again. He's building your faith through experience. Then, He'll speak to you a little differently... and the cycle repeats itself. It doesn't take long before you realize that time and time again, God comes through... that you can trust Him to do what He says He's going to do.
Before you know it, there you are -- in the big world of FAITH, in your little RED shoes, believing God for GREAT and MIGHTY things!
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