I woke up this morning binding the enemy and taking control of this day in Jesus' name! That was a good way to start the day! I felt rested and strong... at least for the moment, and secured my connection with Christ, digging my heals in, and standing firm! I've determined to learn from yesterday's mistakes and use those powerful lessons for today's victory!

Have you ever been knocked over?
Have your knees ever buckled on you, and down you went?

Amongst all the birthday wishes yesterday, was an unexpected hello from an old, old friend, I hadn't seen in years. For a moment, it took my breath away. I had to reach for the table to hold onto something. A man from the past. Someone I loved dearly. A relationship that I very much needed to let go of. Sometimes you choose to walk with God or to walk with someone else. I chose God. I don't regret that decision at all.

It's just that the enemy of my soul makes it a point to know my weak spots -- where I'm inclined to buckle -- and yesterday he decided to pull out the big guns and fire away. Really? What on earth made this person try to re-connect with me?
When you've been away from someone or something long enough, it's easy to just remember the good. I had to think for awhile why our paths had gone in different directions. But it was only a matter of time before the craziness of those days came flooding back into my head. Talk about being sucker punched. Somehow the devil managed to get my heart and mind on a bit of a roller coaster ride. And just for the record, I don't like this particular roller coaster! It has the tendency to make my head spin and my stomach churn, until I want to puke! How the heck did I end up on this detour? Was this the enemy's attempt to lay me out, flatten me, take me out of God's race?
Sometimes you just have to leave the door shut, not respond, let things be, drop the ball. The enemy knows how difficult it is for me to do that... not have the last word. It's easy bait. But those few moments of recollection were more than enough for me. I felt like I was peeking into Pandora's box. I have closed it, locked it, turned away and moved on.
Just so you know, this isn't the first time the enemy has tried to use this particular bait with me. I hate to admit that it worked for a long, long time... and I suffered because of it. But as my friend Bonnie always says, "The devil will come back to test the ground... to see if you've really been victorious there or if there's still a fight to be won.

"I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
No turning back. No turning back."
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