A "routine" is a sequence of actions regularly followed, a fixed program.
I love when I get into an established routine because it usually allows me to get a lot of things done, otherwise the whole day can fly by and nothing gets accomplished... that's not so good. But my heart is a little heavy today. I'm yearning to be closer to Him. I want to push everything aside and move into that secret place... that place of intimacy with Christ.
"Let me in!
Let me in!"
my heart cries out.
let me come close."
Today I just want Him. I want more. I want to be in His presence. I want to hear His voice. I want to sense His touch. I want to know His heart. I just want to receive all I can from Him.
Funny thing is, I've noticed that so often, when I'm doing things -- random things -- routine things... well, that's when He comes along and drops a word in my heart, puts a song on my lips, opens my eyes to His perspective. That's when opportunities arise to work in partnership with Him, or to be used by Him for some wonderful cause. That's when He teaches me some of the greatest lessons, not to mention it's when I get to practice what He's teaching me. When I'm out and about, that's when He brings people my way -- people who speak into my life, and people whose life I can speak into.

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