How God does that? I'll never know. But He can & He does & He did it to me.
A Dynamic Past!
Last night, some dear friends of mine invited me and a few others to their home for a cookout and fellowship. What a wonderful time! Chips, salsa and home-made guacamole! YUM. Salad, baked potatoes and beans. Burgers on the grill... And my little veggie burger. (Everyone seemed to have a good laugh over that! I was the only non-meat eater.)
After dinner, a brisk walk and a sunset, we gathered around in the living room to get to know one another a little better. It was testimony time! There is nothing like hearing a good testimony about how someone came to know Christ. That alone will blow you right out of the water! That's God's opportunity to change your whole mindset on what you thought about a person. The details of the "Divine Partnership" rise to the surface. Truly God works in magnificent ways! It makes me want to stand up and applaud.,
"Bravo! Jesus Bravo!"
So I haven't had the opportunity to tell my entire testimony for some time now... until last night. What a BLAST from the past! I got caught up in my own testimony and came pretty close to preaching! LOL. God just wildly and wonderfully stirred me up as I remembered where I've come from in Christ; How I got saved; the promises God made to me; and the visions He's given me. I think I lit myself on fire just talking about all that. LOL!
Back to the Future!
This afternoon I headed out to a very important business meeting with a Mentor of Mentors. I'm really not at liberty to share details at this time, but I can say this... God has given me a very powerful vision for the future.

"Yeah... that's great...
but there's no way
I could ever do that!"
I've come to realize that visions are prophetic. They're about the future. The person I see in the vision is not me today, it's me in the future.
God will somehow mold me into that person in that vision. He will use situations and circumstances to mature me into that role. When the appointed time arrives and that vision becomes a reality, God will have prepared me to play that part perfectly.
"This vision is for a future time.
It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.
If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently,
for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed. "
(Habakkuk 2:3)
Today's meeting seemed "normal" except for the fact that this individual is levels above me, incredibly successful, and fully experienced in the position I will one day step into. Somehow, I have been granted favor, beyond anything I could ever imagine, to sit in this person's presence and receive. A Divine Connection has taken place, because God has a plan. It's amazing to see Him shuffle around people, calendars and situations to bring about His perfect will. When I left my business meeting, I didn't even make it to my car before losing it. I couldn't believe what had just taken place. It's not supposed to happen that way! I had nothing to do with it! I was just set up! Yes... God does work supernaturally in the business arena! Thank You, Jesus!
God is working here and now, all around me!
I barely got home in time to shift gears and head off to the God-Seekers discussion group. This one guy has been so diligent, in the last month or two, at attending everything and anything offered to grab ahold of God. I've been asking him week after week, "What's God been doing in your life?" Lately, He has been looking everywhere - behind every tree - under every rock, per say. And tonight, He hit the jackpot, and I'm not sure he even fully realizes it!
First... He started off with the words, "Well, Today..." That's right... Today. Today he was looking and listening for God. In fact, these days, he's looking and listening for God everyday! And today, God just straight out prompted him to do some things... Not once -- but twice! And to top it all off... He did what God told him to do and was the better for it. It is a glorious thing to see someone slip into the groove of walking and talking with Jesus! And this is just the beginning for him. Hallelujah! That just makes me want to dance.
Time to put on "The Happy Song" and cut a little rug, in RED shoes.
Care to join me?
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