As I headed home from an appointment this afternoon, I found myself chatting with God from the driver's seat. Someone had recently asked me some questions about where I was at in my life with God and ministry. As I shared with them, they challenged me on a few things. I was a little surprised at their perception of my life.
I was reminded that
sometimes the way I see things
are not the way others view them.
So, my conversation with God was about "What people think." (Yup... here we go again. This isn't the first time God's talked with me on this subject.) God made it very clear. Even in the best of situations -- when I've done everything completely right -- He says there will always be someone who -- doesn't have all the facts -- or who doesn't really know me or my heart -- or who has issues of their own, and will have a problem with something I'm doing. Maybe it won't be a problem. It may just be an opinion. They may choose to speak out against me. They may choose to ignore me. They may choose to defame me. And that's under the best of conditions? (Oh Boy!) With that said...
God stressed that the only one
I ever have to please
I ever have to please
is Him.
I thought about where I am in my relationship with God. Never before have I felt Him so near. Everyday is a blessed adventure with Him. ( I have 128 days of phenomenal testimonies to back that.) I've never been so strong in my faith. I've never been so happy. I've never been so focused. I've never seen so much fruit. There's something about being in alignment with God... being "in step" with His Spirit.
"Since we live by the Spirit,
let us keep in step with the Spirit"
Galatians 5:25
I don't expect everyone to understand where I'm at with God, to agree with it, or to even support it. It's my life, not theirs.
I can attest to the fact that God is doing a deep,
personal and intimate work in my heart,
preparing me for what He has in store for me.
My life is personal and my God is personal. With that, I have a full plate. No offense, but I don't have time to worry about the details of your life and whether or not you're on track. That's your job. My job is to stay connected with God and be accountable to Him for my life. I know that I take very seriously everything I do, and I have no worries about what God thinks, because I talk to Him about it frequently throughout the day, everyday!
No... no one has been critical towards me thus far. (My "rubies" are incredibly loving, prayerful and supportive.) But some day, there may be, and God's working with me on that now, so that I'm ready when it happens... so that it doesn't ruffle me, effect me, or knock me for a loop. He wants me to be able to stand firm in Him, in all I say and do. On this 128th Day of TRSP, God is reinforcing this important understanding.
" I've fixed my eyes and heart on Jesus,
the Author and Finisher of my faith."
(Hebrews 12:2)
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