"Hearing from God".
Here are a few observations that came out of those discussions:

2. FREE YOURSELF FROM DISTRACTIONS. Distractions are anything that will pull your attention away from what you are trying to accomplish. That said... UNPLUG! Shut off the television. Turn off your cell phone. Click off the computer. Turn down the music. Get alone. And get to a place that's quiet. Now you can focus your attention on God without distraction.
3. ASK AND WAIT. Most people don't hear from God because that don't ask Him anything. They don't engage in any kind of conversation. The best way to get someone to talk is to ask questions that require a response other than yes or no. Is it that difficult to say, "God, I'd really like to know what you think about this?" Then wait for Him to respond. As silly as it may sound, some people just don't wait around for an answer.

5. GET AROUND THE EXPERTS. Often God can be speaking to people, and they don't even know it. That's right. No one has ever pointed out to them how that all works. So, if you are looking to hear from God, find people that you believe are hearing from God, and ask them how it works. Talk to them about your experiences and listen to theirs. Be open for instruction. Remember, it's working for them, it's not working for you.
They can help you determine what you are doing wrong, (if anything), as well as point out to you what you are doing right. I'll never forget a young man in one of my groups who told a story of how he heard a voice tell him to "walk away" from a situation. I told him, "That's God speaking to you!"
"Really?" he responded. He just never considered that. He was then able to recognize God's voice in the future... and it just accelerated from there. All he needed was someone to point it out to him and assure him that it was God.

when do you feel God the strongest? You know... that feeling that "God is near." You may find yourself filled with love, joy or peace. Perhaps it causes you to cry... stand in awe... or lift your hands?
It's usually a "WOW" moment that stands out. You may find that this divine "tugging on your heart" occurs when you are in a specific place. Maybe church? or at home in a specific area? or at Grandmas house? Sometimes it happens when you are listening to a specific song, or speaker... or when you're around a particular group of people. Looking for God? START THERE. Eventually you'll develop a sensitivity to His presence. It will get easier, but you have to start somewhere.
These are just a few thoughts that may help you "Hear from God." I've found that my RED shoes have brought me through all of these steps at one time or another. They really work!
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