On the morning of
Day 84 of
The Red Shoe Project I awoke quite startled by a dream. For over 8 months now, God has spoken to me on several occasions that He was birthing something in me.

Something spiritual. A ministry perhaps? A call of God to do something specific on His behalf? I don't know exactly. It's like not knowing if it's a girl or boy... But I do know this: I'm
spiritually pregnant and it's only a matter of time before we all know "with what?"

So in this dream... I was in the most beautiful room... all white and off white in color. Right in the center is a kingside bed. And there's my Ob-gyn (from real life) and she says to me,
"It's time. I'm here to help you deliver this baby! Be careful, don't push yet!"
Wow! Ok... Yeh... I wasn't expecting this. I haven't even been thinking about any of this. That's why it startled me. The dream was so real... so vivid. I woke up in a bit of a panic, grabbed the phone and called my spiritual mother, only to get re-routed to her prayer partner. A mistake? I think not. There was no one better to talk to at that particular moment than this Prayer Warrior of God... "Jean." Hey, it's been a long time since I've birthed a baby... but I can still remember quite vividly the challenge and pain involved.
Having a Prayer Warrior on my "Birthing Team" is a TOP PRIORITY!

As I jumped out of bed, threw on some sweats and
RED sneakers, I could feel the irregularity in my breathing. It's not that I'm afraid to "give birth." It's just a new thing, and new things like that can be a little intimidating and scary. Do you remember giving birth to your first child? I remember thinking to myself,
"Ok... I understand how it all works, but I just can't figure out how that big baby is going to come out of little ole me." LOL. Well it's the same with this. I get that God is birthing something spiritual in me, and that eventually it will manifest itself... but how that actually happens is a bit of a mystery.
So as I took Pauly out for his morning walk, the Holy Spirit just kept saying to me...
"BREATH, Gail!".
Focus on getting that systematic breathing down.
Don't get all nervous and panic.
It all works out just fine,
but it will be a lot easier if you stay calm and breathe.
You can do that!"
Yes... I can do that! So I'm
not focussing on the craziness of it all... What could happen... What might happen... All the unknowns. I just can't let my mind go there!
Instead, I'm focussing on Him... worshipping Him... holding onto Him... loving Him... and believing that all will work out just fine. I'm watering my spirit with worship and staying calm. I'm thankful my Spiritual Mom and her Prayer Partner are rocking me in prayer. It truly makes a difference.
So like many expectant mothers, I don't know the exact day or hour, but it's coming soon. For now, it's official, I'm in
RED shoes, pregnant and ready to POP!
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