BOOM!!!! Spiritual Attack and I'm not even out of bed yet!
Of course, the spiritual warfare seems so obvious now, at the end of the day, but at the time... it just seemed weird and random. Just enough to get me a little off kilter and out of sorts.
I spent the day puttering around the house, cleaning up a bit, and going through my closet to see what I could take to the Goodwill. It's spring -- Out with the old, so I can bring in the new! I've wanted to battle my closet for weeks now, and today turned out to be the day! As excited as I was to do this, I was rather struck, by surprise, at the fact that I was having a little difficulty letting go of some of my "STUFF". Not good stuff that I wear, mind you... I'm talking about stuff that doesn't fit, is out of style, isn't the right color, and hasn't been worn in years. Really? What's with that? I'm not one to hold onto stuff like that, but those voices in my head kept provoking me to have a little pity party.
Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. - Watch out! Rapid fire coming straight on!
Still a little oblivious to the fact that I was in the middle of a spiritual battle, I headed off to church for the evening service. Yup... the devil loves to play with Christians... even at church. Here's how he does it. Someone says something to another person without quite thinking it through, and the enemy relentlessly twists it and turns it in the head of the other person, trying to get them to take offense and burn up with anger!
Fortunately, "The Name of the Lord is a Strong Tower, the righteous run into and are safe." (Proverbs 18:10). I've been trained in times like this to keep my mouth shut, and bring it to the Lord as quickly as possible. When I got home... I grabbed the leash to walk the dog and got outside in the open air to talk it out with God.
Remember last night's verse?
Remember last night's verse?
"Be anxious for nothing, but in all things, through prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, make your requests known unto God... and the Peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind." Philippians 4:6,7
Important note: verse 5 (right before that) says "God is near."
"It's spiritual warfare.
Let it all go!
Don't make anything of it. Walk away."
So I did just that! I laid it down.
There's nothing that brings the enemy to a halt faster than a Cease Fire from God! It take 2 to fight.
There's nothing that brings the enemy to a halt faster than a Cease Fire from God! It take 2 to fight.
Just then, the greatest thing happened. My daughter drove by as she was leaving to go out for the night. She saw me walking the dog and pulled over. The window rolled down, and there she was with that BIG Wonderful Smile of hers! "You're the BEST Mom!" "I just wanted you to know that I love you!"
It was like the heavens opened up and soothing showers of blessing were released upon me. That's just like God, isn't it? It's amazing how He makes it a point to comfort us after the battle.

THANK YOU fellow soldiers in Christ! I couldn't do all this without You!!!
I will sleep well tonight!
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