First... Understand that Worry and Anxiety are the opposite of Faith. Worry is fear generated.
Although you may think that God will feel bad for you and come along side and comfort you, in reality.... when Worry builds up like a pile of dirty laundry... it is an invitation for the enemy to torment you! He will use it to rob you of every ounce of peace that you possess.
What God does want you to do is:
- Acknowledge your concerns,
- Turn them over to Him,
- and then Let them go!
Philippians 4:6-7 says...
but in all things,
through prayer and supplication,
with thanksgiving,
make your requests known unto God."
When we do that...
"... the peace of God which transcends all understanding
will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus."
This is so important, because we connect with God the best,
( that is, we sense His Presence), when we are relaxed and at peace.
So I totally understand how all that can sound good... but doing it can be an entirely different story. This exercise will help you. (You may want to have a friend read the instructions, while you do it.)
- Start off by acknowledging a concern. For example... let's say you have a financial situation that needs God's provision. It's your daughter's birthday, and you don't have any money for a card and gift... not even a small one. Instead of worrying about that, here's what you're going to do:
- Sit back in your chair. Get comfortable. Close your eyes. Pretend you are little. Put on your 10 year old mindset. Can you picture yourself as a kid?
- Now pick up an imaginary balloon. Give it a little stretch before you blow it up. Not yet! First, tell God what your concern is. "God, you know it's Mary's birthday. I'd like to be able to get her a small gift. I need you to provide."
- Now hold that imaginary balloon up to your lips and blow into it. Blow that concern into the balloon. Picture the words in your mind, "Please provide for Mary's gift!" going into the balloon with each breath. Do you sense the balloon getting larger? Blow again. "God, Help me get a gift for Mary!" Keep blowing until you feel like you've got the entire request out of your mind and into the balloon. "God... Mary will be so disappointed if she has nothing on her birthday. Please help!" You'll feel the balloon getting bigger and bigger and bigger.
- Now tie off the end of the balloon. Hold the balloon in your hands in front of you. Is it a big balloon? I know mine was. Can you feel it trying to float away. Don't let it go yet!
- As you release your hold on the balloon and let it go -- Shout at the top of your lungs... "FREEDOM!" Make it a long, loud shout! "FREEDOM!" There it goes!!! It's floating away! Its just drifting upward to the heavens. And there's God taking it up into the clouds.
- Now give thanks to the Lord! Thank Him for taking your cares from you. Feel free to clap your hands... Jump for joy... Come on... Do your own little Victory Dance right now! If you don't know how to do that... just wiggle! That's it! Wiggle. If you are doing this with a friend, hold hands and jump up and down together. Rejoice!!! Smiling and Laughing are strongly encouraged! Spend at least 5 minutes doing this step.
As I continue to dance a little longer and Thank God for His goodness, I hope you have "Let go" with me.
FREEDOM is a very Good thing!
In RED sneakers,
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