How great it was praying for one another,
hearing from God and believing that
anything is possible in this new year!
I'm not sure what I expected today to be like. There were all sorts of kind and encouraging words, little gifts and surprises, not to mention unlimited hugs and smiles. What's better than that? I spent my morning with some very dear friends. Most of them I didn't even know a year ago. It's amazing what God can do in just one year's time.

I'll probably be wearing RED shoes, every day, for the rest of my life. I mean, really, what kind of statement would I be making if I stopped? It would be like saying "I'm not going to look for you today, Lord!" Yeah... I don't think I could ever do that. What can I say? I'm black and white -- and RED too!
I chose to lay low tonight. Yeah... I know it's New Year's eve, and I did receive several invitations to join friends for various celebrations, but I want to be with Him tonight. I don't want any distractions when He whispers, "I love you." In case there's any confusion here, I'm talking about the Lord. Truly, my heart belongs to Him.
I keep playing this song, by Hillsong, over and over in my mind. It so clearly depicts where I'm at today.
"Here I am, down on my knees again,
surrendering all... surrendering all.
Find me here, Lord as You draw me near,
desperate for You... desperate for You.
I surrender.
Drench my soul, as mercy and grace unfold,
I hunger and thirst... I hunger and thirst.
With arms stretched wide,
I know You hear my cry.
Speak to me now... speak to me now.
I surrender. I surrender.
I want to know You more!
I want to know You more!
Like a rushing wind, Jesus breathe within.
Lord have your way.
Lord have your way, in me!
Like a mighty storm, stir within my soul.
Lord have your way.
Lord have your way, in me!
I surrender. I surrender.
I want to know You more!
I want to know You more!
I surrender.
I still have some unanswered questions. And I in no way feel I've arrived in these mere 365 days. It's just not enough time! LOL. I feel like I'm half way up the mountain. What am I supposed to do now? Turn back? I don't think so! After all, there are books to write, messages to preach, and people who need prayer. There are strong holds that need to be pulled down. There are words that need to be proclaimed. There are divine connections that need to be made! I could go on and on! How can I turn away from all that? As long as He is willing to lead the way, I am more than willing to follow.
So my plan is to get up tomorrow, slip on my Ruby Reds, put one foot in front of the other, and continue to walk it out, one day at a time. I do hope you'll continue to walk with me.
With love,
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