Jude 20 says this...
"... building yourselves up in your most holy
faith and praying in the Holy Spirit..."
Although many would interpret "praying in the Holy Spirit" as praying in other tongues, the book I was reading today ( Good Morning Holy Spirit) stated "it's so much more than that! It also means to pray in the realm of the Holy Spirit and in the power of the Holy Spirit."
"In the same way, the Spirit
helps us in our weakness.
We do not know what we ought to pray for,
but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us
through wordless groans."
Romans 8:26

Today was one of those times. I sat down rather intrigued by the idea of praying "in the realm of the Holy Spirit." This isn't anything new to me, I've just never thought about it in those terms before.
A "realm" is a kingdom, domain, stomping ground, territory.
When I pray in the realm of the Holy Spirit, I am praying in His domain, not mine. That would explain why I can see things in the Spirit. Today, for example, I sat down, closed my eyes, asked the Holy Spirit to partner with me in prayer and began to speak in a heavenly language. Almost immediately, I saw a picture in my mind of a grave yard.
I asked the Lord,
"Why are you showing me a grave yard? What does it mean?"
Without hesitating, He responded,
"These are the people who were prematurely robbed of their lives."
John 10:10 says...
"The thief comes only to
steal, kill and destroy..."
Drugs Alcohol
Sex Pornography
Food Gambling
Spending and more.
There is such a spiritual bondage in regards to such matters. People are tormented. Lives are destroyed. Loved ones are left in despair. No matter how you look at it, it's devastating!
But the Spirit of God quickly reminded me that John 8:36 says,
"... if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
With that scripture, I found myself prompted to intercede for those battling with such addictions. I started off with a rather general prayer of deliverance for a faceless mob of people, that I imagined, bound in shackles. Then quite suddenly, specific names of the children of many of my friends began popping into my mind. I was reminded that each of them are caught up in an addiction of sorts, so I called out their names to the Lord, one by one, and proclaimed freedom over their lives in Jesus' Name!
That wonderful name of Jesus!
There's such power in it!
Later in the day, I saw a program on television in which the minister was proclaiming the promises of God's Word regarding our children. He noted Proverbs 11:21 (KJV) which says
"... the seed of the righteous shall be delivered!"
That could easily be interpreted,
"...the children of God's people will be set free!"

I'm praying. You're praying. The people who have come through it are praying. The more people praying, the better. Let's do it, and let's not stop until we see results! Amen? Will you unite with me?
In RED shoes,
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