Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day 353

Today is Day 353 of  The Red Shoe Project.   Where does the time go?  There's only a dozen days left to this year and I am doing my best to savor each day with Christ.  I'm staying home more and more, turning down invitations here and there, and cherishing my alone time with Him.

I put on my RED shoes, early this morning, and now I'm about to take them off.  The day is a bit of a blurr.  Just what did I do today?  I'm not quite sure.  A few little things here and there, but mostly I prayed.  I find myself praying in the spirit a lot these days.  Sometimes I can hear the interpretation in my mind, and other times it's a private conversation between the Holy Spirit and The Father.
"And pray in the Spirit
on all occasions with all
kinds of prayers and requests."
Ephesians 6:18a

As much as I love hearing the interpretation, I'm not offended when I don't know the specifics of the prayers going up on my behalf.  I trust fully in God's wisdom when it comes to what I should and shouldn't know.   Regarding those things that He has chosen to let me in on, all I can say is I'm humbled and overwhelmed by His love.  So often His thoughts and ideas are far too great for me to comprehend.  My eyes fill up with tears as I try to make sense on how such things could possibly happen -- but in time, they always do!

The challenge is just believing that He will do what He says He will do and following through with appropriate actions even though nothing has manifested yet.  Even so, I've noticed that my "BELIEVING"  muscles are much stronger than they were when I started this project.  When I find myself thinking too much, I just resort to prayer and worship.  It shuts out the devil and  keeps my mind focused on God.  I don't worry so much about things that I have no control over.

"Can any one of you by worrying 
add a single hour to your life?"
Matthew 6:27

I'm enjoying the prayer closet more and more -- even when it's just in my mind.  The companionship of The Holy Spirit has become sweeter than ever.  I guess that's because I don't have to dig, anymore,  through so many distractions and layers of stuff to find Him.

Granted... He's always been with me,
 but now...  I'm always with Him.

In RED shoes, 

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