Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Day 351

It's Day 351 of  The Red Shoe Project and we are a week away from Christmas eve.  I've noticed that more and more people wear RED during the holiday season and that, of course, includes...
RED shoes!
Today we had a Christmas party following
The Bonfire, so I wore my party shoes:
 RED patent leather pumps.
Perfect for the occasion! 

Last week, two of my dearest friends moved into a new home.  I stopped by for a quick visit and ended up staying for hours.  Most of their furniture wasn't even moved in yet.  They had a little make shift table set up in the kitchen with a couple of folding chairs to hold them over until the movers came with all their stuff.  We sat their drinking tea, nibbling on goodies, and sharing the goodness of God.

Before leaving, we all gathered around in a circle, held hands and had a wonderful time of prayer in which I proclaimed prosperity over them.  God spoke a powerful prophetic word regarding Divine Abundance in their lives.  As I prepared to leave, my dear sister acknowledged the prophetic Word spoken and received it.   Apparently she had recently attended a SOZO meeting and The Holy Spirit told her that God was going to give her a Golden Pear which symbolizes prosperity.

As I drove away that evening, God had a little chat with me in the car.  "You know that Golden Pear you have hanging on your Christmas tree?  You should give it to Carolyn."   I responded with great enthusiasm, "What an awesome idea, Lord!"

You see... I have had this golden pear ornament for well over a decade.  As lovely as it is, it has never quite fit with the decor of my tree.  Every year when I pull it out of the ornament box, I always think to myself, "What am I going to do with this pear?  Hmmmmm.   Oh well, I'll just hang it over here!"  In fact, I said those exact words just a couple of weeks ago -- apparently for the last time.  LOL.

Right before running out the door this morning in my RED shoes,  I noticed  "The Pear"  hanging on the tree.  I gently took it down, wrapped it in Christmas tissue paper and
popped it in a gift bag.  When Carolyn showed up at The Bonfire,  I smiled and said,
"Make sure you see me before you leave today.  I have something for you in my car!"

When the party ended, Carolyn and I walked out to the car together.  She was all smiles when I told her I had a gift for her.  "Okay... don't get too excited,"  I said.  "It's not anything new and it's not anything big,  but it has your name on it.  God wants you to have it."

When she unwrapped "The Golden Pear,"   I thought she was going to fall to the ground.  Her eyes immediately flooded with tears.  She could barely speak.  It's funny how that happens when God gifts something to you, personally.  I mean really --  this  Golden Pear is not anything special to look at.  You could probably buy one for a few dollars.  To be honest,  this one is so old -- the only place you'd be able to get another one like it would be in a yard sale or in Grandmother's attic.

But because it was so personal, none of that mattered to my sweet sister.  The moment she laid her eyes on it, something struck her at the core of her soul.  It was a true gift from God and with it came the fulfillment of an intimate secret between the two of them.  God had told her that He would give her a Golden Pear and there it was!

My sister probably already has that Golden Pear hanging in a special place in her new home.  To her, it is priceless!  Talk about simplicity!   God -- You're wrecking me, once again!

In RED shoes, 


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