Come on! Get up! Get up!
I shouted to the Lord.
Today's gonna be a great day!
Without hesitation, I sat up smiling and threw my legs over the side of the bed. "Today's the day!" I proclaimed. "Today I'm getting my hair done!" With great excitement, I bowed my head, told the Lord I loved Him, and gave Him my day. Then it dawned on me. "How carnal is that?" Yesterday, the Holy Spirit woke me up all excited about feeding the hungry and today, I woke Him up all excited about getting my hair colored and cut. Tears ran down my cheeks as I realized the difference between His aspirations and mine.
"Oh... Forgive me Lord!"
There was no harsh rebuke, no condemnation, no disappointment. Actually... the Lord was glad for me. He saw how happy I was and couldn't wait to spend the day with me. Truly it was a day of great fellowship and partnership with one another. I popped on my sparkly RED shoes and out the door we headed to The Bonfire!
Today was my last day teaching on Spiritual Gifts. I talked about the importance of understanding how the Holy Spirit moves and the ability to flow with Him. There was one segment in particular in which I felt the Holy Spirit's partnership and anointing. It was a comparison between Stepping out in the Flesh vs. Stepping out in the Spirit and the courage to "take the risk."
Grieving the Spirit is not to be taken lightly. Deliver an emotional performance in the natural with all the bells and whistles... you'll know it and so will everyone else. It will be empty, unfulfilling and un-anointed. You'll never want to do that again.
So why then should someone even step out? Why chance it? Because one day it will happen. You'll be compelled in your spirit to tell a stranger God loves them. Or you'll find it necessary to give forth a prophetic utterance publicly. Maybe you will sense the urgency to lay hands on someone and pray for their healing.
You'll just do it! The Holy Spirit
will move on you so quickly,
you'll find it happening before you
even have time to think about it.
Being used by the Holy Spirit to accomplish some divine deed -- there's nothing better than that! It's called Divine Partnership and once you experience it, you'll want to be used again and again and again. When it's God... you'll take the risk. You'll have to! You wont be able to say no! You won't want to say no!
Following the study, my ministry partner, Tammy, and I had the opportunity to minister to a woman in great need of healing. The Holy Spirit was right there with us -- giving us the right words to say, providing the love, mercy, grace and power necessary for the task at hand. Glory to God! I love working with Tammy and so does the Holy Spirit.
Next I was off to the salon. While there, I had the opportunity, once again, to partner with the Holy Spirit to give spiritual encouragement and guidance to one friend and to pray down strongholds with another! I told you the Holy Spirit and I had a blessed time today!

I don't understand it all and therefore I can't accurately explain it to you, but I do know this:
I am experiencing a new level of
fellowship with the Holy Spirit
that fulfills the desire of my heart
like nothing else does.
Taking off my RED shoes
as I step on Holy ground.
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