Three chai tea lattes, please!
A couple of weeks ago, my friend Bonnie made an interesting observation while out having breakfast with her husband at a local diner. All of a sudden, she became aware of all of the conversations that were going on around her. The table to one side of her was talking about all the medicines they were taking. Between this prescription, that one and another, they were overwhelmed by the expense of it all. Another table was discussing ailments of various sorts and the details of medical procedures, etc. etc. Still another table was talking about the downfall of our country, economy and politics.
It was all BAD news!
She began to wonder what it would be like if, instead, she were hearing uplifting conversations about the things of God. Wouldn't it be great if this table was discussing how someone they knew personally got healed in Jesus' Name. What if that table was discussing the great things God was speaking to them in prayer. And what if that table, over there, couldn't seem to keep quiet about the miracles they saw on their recent missions trip! You get the picture.
We can't change what other people talk about,
but we can certainly choose what we talk about!
Today as Bonnie and I sat in Starbucks with our friend Karen, we chatted for hours about God. Between lessons learned, what the Bible says about this and that, encounters with angels, healing from diseases and deliverance from addictions -- well let's just say the man sitting behind us got an earful of great and promising news!
But no... that wasn't enough! When we realized that it was well past lunch time, we moved our little party over to a nearby restaurant and continued our discussion of the deep things of God. We were doing it! Without even thinking about it, we were sharing the Good News! We were refusing to follow the way of the world. We were living boldly for Jesus and not giving a hoot what other people were thinking!
Don't you think our world needs more of that?
Please don't let the ball drop with us. Begin to testify to one another of the Goodness of God! Don't worry about eavesdroppers. You want people to hear what your talking about. Who knows... you may change someone's day for the better. You may spread hope to someone who's desperately looking for it. Maybe someone will even join you and ask...
"What must I do to be saved?"
That would be grand -- wouldn't it? You just never know the effect a "Divine Testimony" will have on those around you.
"Many of the Samaritans from that town
believed in Him because of the woman's testimony!"
John 4:39
In Red shoes,
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