Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 320

I'm making a note to myself:  Day 320 of  The Red Shoe Project was a wonderful day!  Before I even got out of bed, I sat up and gave the day to the Lord!  I asked for His divine guidance and prayed that His perfect will would be accomplished in my life.  Then, since I didn't have an appointment until 12:30,
I took my time getting ready.  I washed up, got dressed and made myself a big cup of hot tea.  It was beautiful outside, so I took my drink out onto the lanai and sipped it slowly as I chatted with the Lord, lifting up several friends before Him in prayer.

While doing that, the Lord told me to turn to a specific Bible passage found in Ezekiel.  I read it out loud and the Lord spoke several interesting things to me before instructing me to read it over and over again in various translations.  He's teaching me something and I have no doubt, that in the near future, there will be an activity attached to it.  He uses this Work-Study approach with me often.  First He shows me something in His Word.  Then when I least expect it, He announces...
"Put on your RED shoes, Gail!  
We're heading outdoors for a living illustration!"  

Off I go, into the world, to experience His Word in action.  I love that!  Studying the Bible is important, but if I read the Word over and over again, and never actually live it, what good is that?  If that's the case, it's just a story.  Not to mention, how would I ever know if all the things discussed on the pages worked, if I didn't test them out myself?

The Book of Acts is the story of the Christian church and if you look at it closely, you'll find it has no ending.  That's because it's still in progress.  The Acts of the Holy Spirit are still taking place today.  You and I are the characters that the Holy Spirit is filling and working through in today's world.    I bear witness to that every day as I write The Red Shoe Project. 

Just after twelve, I headed out the door, in my RED shoes,  to meet up for lunch with one of my "Rubies."  Oh what a delightful afternoon we had in the cafe talking about the things of God.  We shared stories, dreams, secrets and prayers.  All I can say is:  
God is at work!

When I returned home, I decided to make a delicious home made soup.  My youngest daughter is such a darling, and I know how she loves my cooking.  It will be a surprise for her when she gets home from work tonight.  It is my way of blessing her!  I also love to cook.  I enjoyed listening to my worship music on Pandora as I chopped all the fresh veggies!  Why do I mention all that here?  BALANCE.  Our life has to have balance in it.

As my soup was cooking on the stove, I meandered into my prayer closet to spend time worshipping the Lord.  Sometimes, I just know that the Holy Ghost is going to meet me there in a demonstrative way.  It's as if I'm aware that He's penciled Himself into my calendar.

"I'll meet you in the 
Prayer Chamber 
at 4 p.m."

As I paced back and forth, singing quietly to the music, I remember thinking to myself that there were other things I could be doing.  Yet that quiet voice within me whispered confidently, 

"No!  Wait it out.  He's coming!"

Oh yes... He did, in fact, show!  He said some awesome things to me.  Some were powerful confirmations of things I've been sensing in my spirit.  Others were directives.  He even gave me a vision of a man with a huge infected wound on his leg that He was going to heal.  I will bathe that one in prayer.  

I ended the day watching a two hour teaching on the internet by one of my favorite preachers.  Talk about a feast.  My spirit ate it up as if it were my evening meal.  What can I say?  I'm a growing girl with a healthy appetite for God's Word and solid teaching!

Day 320 has come to an end.  It has been a full day.  It has been a blessed day.  
Thank You Jesus!

The girl in RED shoes, 


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