"So do you actually have a
closet that you go into to pray?
I've seen pictures online where people have converted actual closets into prayer rooms of sorts. Interesting... but small! I was visiting a friend years ago, and happened to look in a closet for something in his spare room. To my surprise, I found a little altar with a cross, and lots and lots of candles. It struck me as a little weird at the time. Hey -- To each his own -- Who am I to judge? My thought is this:
If it works... Go for it!
I can see why people like to have a little designated area that they can go to and pray. That makes sense. But if it's for show... or if it's virtually unused... Don't waste the space! On the other hand, if you truly use the space -- if you literally, go in, shut the door behind you and pray -- more power to you! Whatever it takes to get you going in, day after day, to converse with God... I'm all for it!
My main prayer room is my bedroom. I can easily prop up the pillows, sit back and pray comfortably. There's a side table with a lamp, inspirational books, and my Bible, as well as a sketchpad, journal and pencils. My laptop is there incase I want to listen to worship music. What's better than that?

I like the venue of my bedroom for prayer because I can easily shut the door, cutting myself off from the rest of the household. It gives me privacy to wrestle matters out with God. There are no distractions there -- not to mention, that Pauly will lay comfortably, snoozing for hours, freeing me to pray up a storm. If I try to sit anywhere, Pauly sometimes thinks I'm playing. When I pace, He snoozes. Other spots in the house are certainly optional, but generally speaking, they lack privacy.
I do have a second location for prayer.
I call it the "M. P. C."
- or -
- or -
The Mobile Prayer Closet
I consider all "prayer on the move" as mobile prayer. Prayer walking certainly falls into this category, as does praying in the car. Over the years, I've had some powerful prayer times while driving. It's not as private as my bedroom, by far, but between tinted windows and earbuds, I'm totally inconspicuous. The issue of the past was that people would think you were a crazy person, talking to yourself, let alone praying, right? But nowadays, with everyone constantly on their cell phones, no one knows the better. Pray away!!!
I refer to it as...
"The Prayer Room
of My Mind."
Wherever I am, all I have to do
is shut my eyes,
focus inward, and I'm there!
Many times, over the years, I've been in need of a divine conference "on the spot" and there's no conference room available. What to do? The prayer room of my mind is open 24/7 and it's easy to access. I may be in an elevator, a ladies room, the booth of a restaurant, a church pew, someone's living room, the movie theater, the grocery store, the gym, the park... you name it -- I just shut my eyes and I'm in! It's that easy. So you see, there's never an excuse not to pray.
-- Please consider --
I want to leave you today with something very important to consider. When I was young, I was married for quite some time to a minister who had a powerful anointing to lead worship. One of the key observations I made of him in his gifting was this: He had the ability to stand on the platform, close his eyes, enter into worship and at the same time, open the door for others to follow him in. It was an awesome feat and he achieved it with ease. The Lord told me the other day, that in the exact same way, I am able to walk into the prayer closet, and simultaneously hold the door open for others to follow. That said, I want to encourage you to follow me in.
Don't be a mere observer.
I'm inviting you to come with me!
In RED shoes,
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