What a way to start the day!
10:00 a.m. I popped on my RED sneakers, got Pauly's leash and out we went to greet the day. Simply Beautiful! As we walked along, Pauly sniffed here, there and everywhere, while I enjoyed the warmth of the sun and began to whisper praises to God. That word from Kam was having a time-released effect on me. I could feel it penetrating my soul!
I was filled with wonder as to
what today might hold for me.
Pauly did an immediate about face and decided that we would walk down the street instead of up the street and I joyfully followed. As I enjoyed the walk, I looked up to the sky and whispered,
"What shall we do today, Lord?"
Rather abruptly, I remembered a disturbing text that I received last night from a dear friend of mine. She had just been notified that her daughter, who had been clean for quite some time now, was dismissed from the halfway house for using heroine. "Oh God! -- Why isn't she free?" We have prayed over her, for her and with her, relentlessly, over the years. We really thought she had made it this time! And my poor friend... "wearisome" doesn't quite describe it. Drug addiction is a grueling battlefield. It's effects on the family are devastating. I could feel anger churning within me as tears filled my eyes. I wanted to tear that demon-spirit of drug addiction apart with my bare hands. And then I heard the voice of the Lord...
to be fought in the natural.
It can only be won
on your knees.
on your knees.
Bring it into the prayer chamber today!"
Yes! That is what I would do. I asked God for direction for today and He just filled in the #1 spot on my "TO DO" list. I tugged on Pauly's leash and we began to shuffle down the street. I thought my conversation with God was over for now, but apparently not. Suddenly a vision flashed before me clearer than ever. I must admit, I think this is the third or forth time I've seen this in the past two days.
The vision: There's a minister preaching on a platform when suddenly he's interrupted by people in the audience shouting ... "I want to be saved! What must I do to be saved?" The crowd is quite large. All over the place, people are jumping up and down to be noticed. Their hands are outstretched as they call out out from the depths of their souls... "Save me! Save me! What must I do? Please tell me!" The anguish in their voices chilled me to the bone. Talk about a vision for the lost!
Oh my gosh! There I was walking Pauly on this nice sunny day and my insides were crumbling fast. Tears were streaming down my face. My heart was wrenched as their desperate cries echoed in my brain! Suddenly, my breath was snatched from me. I could feel the anointing! Right then God said to me...
"It's okay Gail...
We'll take care of it there."
Pauly started to move along to the next house and the next and I followed. My tears had dried up for the time being. #2 on my list was now successfully written on my heart. With that done, another request came to mind. My prayer partner's brother-in-law is battling cancer. We've been praying for a miracle. I can certainly pray more.
Miracle: a surprising and welcoming event that can not be explained by natural or scientific law. It's supernatural! A divine interruption that changes everything! Something impossible takes places due to the goodness and grace of God. With it, HOPE is restored and all the praise goes to God Almighty!
"That shall be #3 on your
list for today," God said.
12:55 p.m. I have written down the 3 priorities for today's meeting with God. I could perhaps think of 101 things to pray for myself, but that's not on today's agenda. God has all my stuff under His control. For now, my job is to present these three requests before the King on behalf of my friends.
Right before I shut the door behind me to pray, another request came in by text message. "Pray for Jim - He's in the hospital." It was so perfectly timed, I made it #4 on the prayer list. No more diversions. It's time!
Right before I shut the door behind me to pray, another request came in by text message. "Pray for Jim - He's in the hospital." It was so perfectly timed, I made it #4 on the prayer list. No more diversions. It's time!
"O Righteous Heavenly Father, I come... "
3:25 p.m. My time in the prayer room would be considered quite unconventional for some. I prayed in the Spirit for about an hour or so. As I paced back and forth at the end of my bed, I felt like I was eavesdropping on a foreigner preaching. LOL. Then God started to talk with me.
"You're going to do it!" He said.
"You're going to lay your hands on people
and they're going to be healed!"
"Did you not hear what Ziva said to you yesterday?" Suddenly I remembered what happened at yesterday's Bonfire. We were discussing Gifts of Healing. Afterwards, Ziva -- who's frequently used in the laying on of hands -- grabbed me in her arms, placed her hands on my head and spoke out rather boldly, "God's told me to impart everything He's given me, to you. You're going to lay hands on people and they will be healed!" How could I have forgotten that? There was so much body ministry going on at the end of our meeting, I didn't take it all in at the time... but she had in fact said that.
"Don't you remember what that prophet, David Wagner spoke to you?" said the Lord. "Did he not tell you that I would use you in the ministry of healing? Did he not anoint your hands and pray for that? Didn't he tell you that it was about to take place?" That was true. He said those things just two months ago. I had pondered them and, well, I guess I just tucked them away for awhile, figuring God would do it when He was ready.
Okay... so let me make this clear. I'm not looking to be a healer! If anything, I've tended to shy away from that gift, ever since the minister told me to go back to my seat and pray quietly. (Sorry, I can't remember what day of The RSP we talked about that.) Sure, that was over twenty-five years ago, but even still... I don't want you to think that I decided today that it would be a good thing for me to become a healer. It doesn't work that way! Besides, no one's really a healer. God's the healer. We're just vessels He chooses at will to move His healing power through. Then He told me that...
After our prayer meeting
He wanted me to go by the
hospital and lay hands on Jim.
He was going to heal him!"
"Don't worry about what you say, or how you say it. That doesn't really matter to me." He said. "I don't really care how you do it. That's just like sprinkles on top
of the cupcake. You decide.
But I'm going to heal him!"
You better believe that was a powerful moment. Oh my gosh... it was an afternoon of travailing in the Spirit for those four items on the "TO DO" list!
When the door finally opened, I quickly put on my RUBY REDS and headed over to the hospital. I found Jim and his wife, shared my story and we all held hands and prayed. I stayed several hours and upon departure, I told Jim I expected him to be out of that bed and home pronto!
We are all believing together that
"It is done!"
11:17 p.m. It's been a long, glorious day! Praise the Lord! I've added a few pictures to the blog and corrected a few spelling errors. It's time to post and call it a night. Thanks Kami for that awesome word this morning. You were right on!
In Red shoes,
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