My shoulder has been bothering me again. The pain comes and goes.

When I arrived at church this morning, I noticed that my girlfriend had texted some scripture to me. She's the best encourager! She just knows my heart! Isaiah 30:18 I looked at it before walking into the sanctuary.
"Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you...
Blessed are all those who wait for Him!"
Throughout the day, as I've talked with the Lord, I've tossed this scripture about in my mind. There are definitely "things" I am waiting on God for. Specific things He has told me will take place.
I can't make them happen. No way! That just wont work. I can't rush them. They will come at His appointed time. And I can't overlook them. Sure... He let me "shelf" them for a season, but as the appointed time is drawing near, He has conveniently brought them off the shelf and placed them at the forefront of my mind. They can't be avoided!
Besides, I'm not looking to avoid anything. As the scripture says, I'm simply waiting for Him. What's really interesting is the reaction of many of the people around me. If it were up to them, they'd have me reviewing all the options and making choices of my own.
Money -- Marriage -- Ministry
My friends know of all sorts of job opportunities they'd like me to take advantage of. Everyone seems to know personally the perfect companion for me! And many have strong feelings as to what God has called me to do.
Yeah -- that's doesn't work for me. I've had to avoid certain conversations -- Frequently say "NO THANK YOU!" -- And stay focused on what God has spoken to me. I get it! Man's way is to look at all the options and choose. Often that's a road that God allows us to go down. But sometimes, God specifically directs. He points the way. He makes the choice Himself. I'm good with that, especially on the key issues of my life!
I think of the story found in 1 Samuel 16. Samuel is instructed to go to Jesse of Bethlehem and anoint one of his sons to be the next king of Israel. Jesse lines up all his sons. The selection is quite competitive -- All the boys look good! But no...
God has specifically chosen "ONE"
Such is the case in these three fields of harvest for me. Hello? God has a plan here -- a plan of specifics -- and I am waiting.
As I continued to read Isaiah 30, verse 21 jumped right off the page at me!
"Whether you turn to the right or to the left,
your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying
'This is the way; walk in it.'"
I know the voice of God! He's been speaking all sorts of specifics to me lately. WOW! I love that! But I must admit, staying on track has it's challenges, especially when all your friends can't quite figure you out. I'm sure that many probably perceive me as a bit of an "Odd Duck!"
That doesn't really bother me anymore. This Red Shoe Project has drawn me closer to the heart of God than ever before. I love it here! It's where I belong, and if that makes me "Odd," I don't really care.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him
and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6
This has been one of my favorite scriptures for as long as I can remember. What does that mean? "Lean not on your own understanding." It means that even though it might not make sense to me or to others... I've got to believe that God knows EXACTLY what He's doing! And if I follow His lead -- even if it's in the opposite direction of everyone else -- in the end, it will all work out according to His plan.
"And we know
that in all things
God works for
the good of those
who love him,
who have been
called according
to his purpose."
Romans 8:28
I'm staying the course God has laid before me!
In RED shoes,
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