1 Corinthians 12:7-11. Today we were focusing on the Gifts of Healing.
During our discussion, the topic of "Resistance" came up.
"Resistance" is the refusal to accept
or comply with something; the attempt to
prevent something by action or argument.
Of course, none of us, consciously, resist when it comes to healing. You're sick -- you go up to the prayer line for healing -- and you do that because you want to be made well. Or do you?
"When Jesus saw him lying there
and learned that he had been in this
condition for a long time, He asked him,
"Do you want to get well?"
John 5:5
Our discussion today focused not on people who don't want to be well, but more so on people who want to be well but, for whatever reason, can't seem to get a healing. For some, years have gone by. They've tried everything. They've been to doctor after doctor. They've gone to this prayer group and that. And... NOTHING! Nothing has happened!
One gal gave an interesting testimony of how she was scheduled for back surgery, but chose to go to a conference with a friend first. In extreme pain, she endured the long ride there, hoping that God would heal her and the surgery would be unnecessary. En route, something was said by her friend that caused a slight spirit of contention between them. Upon arrival at the conference, the Spirit of God was moving powerfully, and the time came to pray for healing. The friend laid hands on the injured woman to pray, and nothing was happening. God was doing all sorts of miracles all around them, but not with her. At that moment, God spoke to the injured woman clearly. "You're resisting!" He said. She couldn't believe that God had called her on it. She didn't want to admit it, but she realized it was true. She immediately confessed her sin and BOOM! -- The Spirit of God moved through the friend and into the woman like rushing water from a broken dam. The woman flew backwards landing on the floor. The Power of God was so strong, she couldn't get up for the longest time. Then suddenly, she got up and walked away, completely healed. The surgery was cancelled.
Another friend shared her story. She was visiting Jerusalem with a group of friends. During a tour, the group had to go down some stairs into a room to view a place where Jesus had been. Because of her asthma, the woman had to wait outside. She so desperately wanted to take a look and couldn't. She bowed her head and said, "Lord, either heal this asthma or take me home! I can stand it no longer!" BOOM! Her asthma was healed and she joyfully joined the group.
Motivational speaker and author, Pat Mesiti says...
"You will not change until
the pain of staying the same
becomes greater than
the pain of change."
"Change doesn't happen by
chance, but by choice.
And that's often triggered
by something."
"I can't stand it anymore!!! This is what the Word of God says!
It works for others, but for some reason it's not working for me!"
There's all sorts of reasons why things that should happen, don't. Sometimes there's unconfessed sin. Sometimes it's fear. Sometimes there's spiritual warfare at work. The list goes on and on. Sometimes, because something doesn't happen the first time, or the way we wanted or expected it to, we close up. We decide that it must not be for us. We make excuses. We determine it's not God's will. We do lots of things that could be considered RESISTING. Know this...
The enemy is at work!
He's a deceiver!
Lying is his native language!
He wants to rob you of your healing!
Don't let him! Victory is yours! Keep trying! Keep going back! Do what I like to refer to as "Wrestling with God" (Genesis 22:34) That's when you grab ahold of God's Word and in all your frustration, you work it out with God. You say... "I don't get it God! You're Word says this and it's not happening! I'm not going to let go of you until you bless me!" Careful! Your life will never be the same after a wrestling match with God.
Someone once got very angry with me on this matter. She felt that it was wrong and sinful to do such a thing. I beg to differ here. Jacob is our Biblical example of this being acceptable. And not just that -- God blessed Jacob and changed his name to Israel immediately afterwards. God understands our human frustration. You think you want to understand. God wants you to understand even more! He wants you to "get it!" -- the understanding you're yearning for as well as the blessing!
Okay, so my whole point here is: Don't give up! Work it out with God! If something isn't working for you, ask God to reveal why. Then follow through on what He tells you. Don't drop the ball. Keep going! And just in case you're wondering, "Wrestling with God" could take minutes... or it could take hours, days, months, even years. Dont' expect a 3 minute round.
Are you ready for change?
Wrestling in Red Shoes,
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