During the past two weeks or so, I've read some of Dr. Liardon's books, viewed several of his YouTube clips and sermons, and watched a handful of his DVDs. They are incredibly impactful -- especially for a soldier in God's army! What does a soldier in God's army look like? It looks like me! It looks like you!
I've come to realize something very important, and this is why I find myself so interested in this pastor's ministry. Since I've found myself between a rock and a hard place -- in need of a miracle, no less -- the last thing I want is some

As I continue to wait on God, The Lord has somehow worked in me a mindset change. At some point, while listening to this man's preaching, I moved from operating in fear to operating in faith. A power has come upon me to BELIEVE in greater measure. This minister has preached some powerful messages -- spoken boldly -- with love -- but without compromise. And that's just what the doctor ordered!
Unfortunately, I feel like somewhere in these past years, I've been duped into believing that people have to be handled extra delicately. "Be careful! You don't want to offend anybody with the Bible!" Granted that may be true in some instances, but as I've been out there diligently searching for answers from God, the last thing I've wanted was a lot of fluffy, feel-good, fancies. No! Where's the TRUTH?
Will someone just give it to me, straight!"
Somehow I've found myself on the edge, waiting for God. I'm disappointed that I've had to search so long and so far to find preaching at a higher than elementary school level. When real difficulties arise, I want everything that God has to offer! Not just what's warm and fuzzy. Because warm and fuzzy doesn't work on the edge. Warm and fuzzy will kill you!
Personally, I'm tossing the fluffy bunny slippers,
and getting myself a good pair of
RED preaching shoes!
I just told some good friends of mine the other day, "I predict my own preaching will become more straight forward in the future! Just expect it!" Yes, there are gray areas in life, but everything is not gray. Some things are black and white, and they need to be delivered that way!
Thanks to some solid teaching, some straight Biblical answers and the anointing of The Holy Spirit, I find myself standing on solid ground, trusting that God will deliver. There's something to be said about preaching an uncompromising Bible -- not some of it, but all of it!
Standing strong
in RED shoes,
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