I know it's in there --
The perfect outfit for today!
No, that's not it! That's not it either!
Too small. Too big.
That doesn't fit right.
That one simply wont work.
Yeah... not the right color.
Too frumpy. Out of date.
Wait a minute -- Ahhhhhhhhhh...
There it is!
How did it get stuffed way back there? (Probably because I haven't worn it in ages.) Let me get it out of the closet and into the natural light. Hmmmm. It's a little crumpled. No worries! It's one of those garments that come to life when you put it on. Wrinkle-free! And I know it will still fit.
Yes... It's perfect!
You have one too! We all do. But somehow it ends up forgotten amongst all our stuff, so we don't wear it. That's too bad, because it would solve a world of problems. "What is it?" you ask.
It's the "Garment of PRAISE!"
Just like that old chorus:
"Put on the garment of praise
for the spirit of heaviness.
Lift up your voice to God!
Pray in the spirit
and with understanding.
Oh, magnify the Lord!"
Sometimes I forget. I forget that this "Garment of Praise" will shake off that spirit of heaviness. You know what I'm talking about. Some people refer to it as a "funk" of sorts. "I'm just in a funk!" they say. Some see it as a depression - an overwhelming, constant sadness that they can't snap out of. Some make excuses. "That's just me -- I'm melancholy!" Some people refer to it as a heavy heart that won't go away. Maybe, for you, it's a feeling of despair and hopelessness -- even though you know CHRIST as your Lord and Savior. Have you ever wondered, "How can that be?" Well, the enemy is at work.
that He has given me a
"Garment of Praise"
to replace that spirit of despair.
* All I have to do is put it on!
"Putting it on" - What does that mean? It means I need to sing -- unto the Lord -- LOUD -- and from the bottom of my heart -- with everything I've got! I need to sing with all sincerity, knowing that God, Himself, is my audience. I need to sing long enough and loud enough until that "funk" falls right off me!
So often, people spend tons of money... drinking, drugging, attempting various therapies, salon treatments, exercise plans, diets, vitamins and more... all in an attempt to rid themselves of "the heaviness." Oh! if they would just try God's way! (Not to mention that it's free.) If they'd just PRAISE HIM!
"Praise the Lord!
Come on and Praise the Lord!
Let all God's people praise the Lord!
Shake off those heavy bands!
Lift up those Holy hands!
Let all God's people praise the Lord!
(Sing it again)."
It really is that easy. But you have to put forth an effort. You may have to start off by putting a fake smile on your face. You tell yourself you're going to smile, by faith, even though you don't "feel" happy. Remember, according to Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the substance of things hoped for, even though you haven't seen the physical manifestation of it yet.
Then, you tell your body, "Stand up!" Even though you're tired, you lift up you hands in surrender to Him!
You may have to force out that first song! That's what's referred to as a "Sacrifice of Praise!" You don't want to sing, but you do it anyway -- because God's Word tells you to!
You have to lift your voice and sing out strong. Did you ever see that movie, Elf? The little boy says to his father... "Hey, you're not really singing." The father says, "Yes I am!" The son retorts, "No you're not! You're just mouthing the words!" Same thing.
You might just have to put on your dancing shoes! Or kick off your shoes for that matter. Whatever works best for you. Can you believe for a moment that you just might be so happy that you'll have to cut a little rug? Would that be so bad?
Here's what happens: As those genuine praises flow forth from your lips -- over and over again -- eventually that oppressive spirit breaks. You begin to operate in the Goodness of God.

of God!
Yes, the "Garment of Praise" is the perfect choice! For that matter, shouldn't I own one in every color? LOL. Shouldn't that be my choice everyday? With RED shoes, of course!
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