The Holy Ghost Hug!
HUG = the act of holding someone tightly in one's arms typically to express affection.
That's the dictionary definition.
A "HOLY GHOST" HUG is a hug in which
the Holy Spirit supernaturally pours out
the Love of the Father upon the recipient
through the mere embrace of a Believer.
Talk about being a vessel that God can flow through!
Early this morning, I popped on my sparkly RED ballet flats, and headed out the door to The Bonfire Bible Study. A few of us arrived early to set up and pray. At the end of our little prayer meeting, we took a few moments to pray for one another. I don't remember all the details, but at one point someone said "Now pray for Gail!"

It was as if Jesus was
holding me Himself.
I'm telling you, I'm not usually a melter! I don't get all mushy at the drop of a prayer. But when God decides to clothe Himself in someone, and that someone hugs me... WOE!
It was so funny, because it was just her and me -- and I was melted. I could feel God just pouring His love into me. Just then, Ziva came over, having heard Kam speaking in tongues, and announced, "I have the interpretation of that tongue. - I do!" she insisted. I opened my eyes and looked into her eyes as she told me what God had to say.
She hit the nail on the head!
I know she didn't know anything about what she was saying, yet, she was precisely on target! Well -- I should say, God was precisely on target. He spoke through her, directly to me, about the concerns of my heart. There's no way she could have known that! God and I were the only ones privy to those whispered, late night, conversations.
Before I knew it, prayer time was over, and everyone went in different directions to greet the people as they began arriving. There I was... standing in the middle of the room -- all by myself -- kind of like a melted ice cream cone. I was a little out of it, and somewhat wobbly on my feet. I could feel myself swaying back and forth. So I took a moment, sat down and pulled myself together.
WOW! God had just poured out His Love on me! God had just spoken directly to me! I do believe...
I just had a GOD encounter!
Today, I did the teaching at the Bonfire. We are continuing our Bible study in
1 Corinthians 12:7-11 on Spiritual Gifts. Their purpose is to build up the Body of Christ.
In that GOD encounter, just moments before, I witnessed three of the Spiritual Gifts listed: Word of Knowledge, Tongues and Interpretation.
Now you won't find the "Holy Ghost Hug" listed there... but there's no doubt in my mind that it's a divine gift, in a category, all its own! Thank you Jesus! What a morning!
In RED shoes,
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