I know it may seem like I sit down and "put together something" each day for my readers, but it's really not like that at all. I simply get up every morning, put on my RED shoes, and live my life, while looking and listening for God. Then I sit down at the computer and do my best to write about what God has done. In all actuality, each and every one of us can do that. Many of you do! For some reason, God has just asked me to share mine -- that's all!
I find it interesting how God builds things in my life. He starts out by showing me one thing. Then the next day, he builds on it. "Remember that?" He says. "Now we're going to add this to it." And still another day goes by and He says... "Now what if we take all that and twist it around this way? Come over here! Check it out from this angle. Will you
look at that!"
This is Masterpiece Theater
at it's Best!
I say that because I know all too well, that if He laid it all out in its entirety on day one, I'd be lost! LOL. He's soooooo patient with me!

Like a few days ago, for example, He started off by reminding me how I
let go of those old friends who were negative.
(That was a good lesson I learned and it greatly impacted my life.)
Then the next day at church, He said, "Now let go of your life to Me!" With that, I realized that I didn't know what else I could possibly do to let go. I'd done everything!

That's when God reminded me of the day I got Baptized in the Holy Spirit. I just showed up, stood there and opened my mouth wide and... Boom! It happened. God delivered! He did what I couldn't. (My life was never the same after that!)
So I followed His lead and did the same again in regards to letting go of my life. I stood there before Him, opened my arms wide and Boom! It happened again. God moved in. He took the offering of my life, right there and then.
(The next morning, everything was different!)

There's only one way to get more faith:
"Faith comes by hearing
and hearing by
the Word of God."
I woke up this morning with a financial challenge of sorts. I've done everything I can think of to have faith for this situation. God's told me, many times, He will provide! Well, guess what? It's come down to the line, and it's time for His provision. I've done everything I can possibly do. There's nothing else.
When I was walking Pauly this morning, I asked God about all this, and he reminded me of last night's sermon.
"Today," He said,
"I want you to meditate
on scripture for this."
When God tells me to do something specific like that, I take it seriously. It goes to the top of my priority list, lest I forget. One of my favorite scriptures regarding finances is Philippians 4:19...
"My God shall supply all my needs
according to His riches in Christ Jesus."
This year, I memorized it!
Before going for my morning prayer walk, I went online to check last night's blog and noticed that my dear friend Carolyn, had posted a Bible reference. I quickly looked it up and right smack in the middle of it was a verse that stood out to me, ever so boldly. 1 Thessalonians 5:24
"The one who calls you is faithful
and He will do it!"
I headed out on my prayer walk, determined to memorize that one. How appropriate!
Regarding this financial matter, I know that more than anything, I need to do just as I have done with all the other matters, previous. I must stand, having done all I could possibly do -- and with an open heart, let Him take it from here.
Did you know that God likes tennis? He does! He spoke to me about tennis on my prayer walk today. He reminded me of a time, decades ago, when I was practicing my swing on a backboard. There I was on a mini tennis court, of sorts, practicing hitting the tennis ball against a wall.
With a backboard, you don't need a partner to practice. Every time you hit the ball, it hits the wall and returns as if you were really playing with someone. Doing this over and over again, helps you practice your volley and perfect your swing! You can't use the excuse "There's no one to play with" and thereby not practice. If you have a backboard -- that's all you need!
Now a backboard is great for practice, but you can't play a real game on a backboard -- You need a partner. You can't say you're a tennis player if you've never played a real game, on a real tennis court, with a partner. A backboard doesn't qualify. Practicing to do something and actually doing something are two entirely different things! Wouldn't you agree?
God told me that in regards to this whole financial thing... it's time to let Him in the game!
I've got to get off the backboard, and on the field so that He can play too!
It's just like those other situations --
Now, it's His turn.
It's His turn to hit the ball. He's been watching me practice... and it's good, but now it's time for the real game to begin.
I'll never see Him
do the miracle
on the backboard.
It just won't happen!
Oh my gosh! Do you see what's happening here? It's another LEAP of FAITH. He's setting me up! He wants to deliver. He's been here, on the side lines all this time. Now He's calling me out onto the real playing field, so that He can make a few shots of His own.

So, here I am, stepping onto the court, in my RED tennies. I've served the ball to my tennis partner and I'm waiting for His return.
I'm looking at my Ruby Reds
and Believing!
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