Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 264

There was still some enemy fire this morning -- the 264th Day of The Red Shoe Project -- but with RED flip flops on my feet, I headed out to the beach with my daughter, Grace, where the two of us agreed together, in a mighty prayer walk with God.  Yes, regardless of the spiritual shrapnel amongst our feet, this morning we set off bombs of our own.

 Powerful words of Promise and Petition 
went up to Heaven on the behalf of 
our Partners in Christ Jesus!

We are praying for YOU!

At some point, you gotta get out of the foxhole and fire off a few shots of your own!  This morning was our opportunity to do just that!  When the unction comes, you gotta go with it!  When The Holy Spirit says "NOW!"  It's time to move!  There's that moment when all fear drops off and the way in front of you is clear.  Your adrenaline kicks in and you're off!


Sometimes the enemy can be so relentless that it's difficult to do anything.  You're tired, worn out, confused, empty.  But when God re-charges you -- when you're filled with His Spirit -- you can't stay down any longer.  It's time to take action and GO!

You might be wondering, "Where am I going?  What am I to do?"
It's simple.  You're going to open your mouth and let the prayers flow forth.  Don't be deceived, my friend!  

The enemy would have you believe that 
your prayers are like a little cap gun, 
but in reality, they are perhaps your 
most powerful weapon!

 in the NAME of JESUS...

You will tear down the strongholds
the enemy has put in your path!

You will claim the Promises of God 
for yourself and for others!

You will establish barriers of protection 
against enemy attack!

You will proclaim  SALVATION,  
for those God has assigned to you!

You will push back 
the forces of darkness!

You will take back 
what the devil has stolen!

You will grab ahold of the enemy's flag 
and shout VICTORY in Jesus' NAME!

Remember... this isn't some game.  This isn't a weekend paint ball tournament or obstacle coarse to test your physical abilities.  This is the real thing!  This is SPIRITUAL WARFARE!  Are you with me?

"... at the Name of Jesus 
of those who are in heaven 
and on earth and under the earth."  
Philippians 2:10 NASV

Wearing RED footwear,


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