I received a Word of Divine Knowledge from the Lord;
I preached the Word of God; and people gave their lives to Christ! Yahoo!
Now if that can happen in real life, while I'm awake, I'll be all set! LOL.

Although I have been sporting my Ruby Reds far from home, my ministry partner continues to hold down the fort back in Sarasota County. Early this morning we compared notes, by phone, of what God has been doing in each of our lives and guess what?

"I didn't just tell you that?" she asked. "No!" I responded. "God is speaking
I met with my long time Father-in-the-Lord today. This man and his wife are my first real mentors in the faith. They were my pastors for years,brought me up in the ways of the Lord after I got saved, and trained me for full time ministry. I respect them dearly. The church I co-pioneered for almost nine years, a couple decades ago, was planted out of this couple's church, under their leadership.
This afternoon was a time of sharing all that God is doing in my life, receiving wisdom and direction from them regarding ministry, and have the blessing of God prayed over me as I walk in the anointing God has put on me.
The Bible says in Proverbs 15:22...
"Plans fail for lack of counsel,
but with many advisers they succeed."
As I step into an expanded life of ministry, I know that it is wise to get the prayerful support and blessing of those in my circle of leadership. It has been a long day, but I am dotting all the "i"s and crossing all the "t"s, making sure that I'm covering all the bases that God has asked me to. That doesn't happen all in one day, but I've "set out" for Him.
In Red shoes,
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