Some friends of mine are going on a cruise, so I will be house and dog sitting for a week in the Orlando area. I will use this time to get away from the usual routine and close-in with God.
No Distractions!
Meanwhile, I have been trying to download a free AP from the TD Jakes Mega Conference. I am so ignorant of this entire process, it isn't funny. But I'm keeping my cool, determined not to get frustrated. Imagine that... getting frustrated while trying to put an AP on my phone that will give me access to POWER FOOD in Christ! It's like getting frustrated in the prayer closet. It shouldn't be! LOL. But, we all know, it happens more often than not!
Difficulties arise,
even when it has to do with
"The Father's Business."
Just because it's a "GOD-thing" doesn't mean there wont be challenges.
Take a Deep Breath! Here's what I found helps:
1. Frustration always sets in when my time is restricted. If I need something RIGHT NOW! or I'll miss out, then the pressure is on to try and make something happen that I know nothing about. But guess what? I don't have to have this AP right now. My life isn't over if nothing happens on this. So this is a great opportunity for me to learn how to do this, without the time pressure.
An OPPORTUNITY is a set of circumstances that make it possible for me to do something.
It's an answer to prayer! An open door! A chance to give it a try!
It's my turn to rise to the occasion! It's a window of possibility!
It's a time to "Go for it!"
Note to Self: TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY to learn how to do it when it doesn't really matter. That way when something comes up and I do need to load an AP quickly, I know how it's done. If I don't take the opportunity now, I may not get another chance to work through it and figure it out before the next time arises and time is of the essence!
2. When I don't know how something is done, I've got to tap into the resources that can show me. If it's instructions I can read online, in a manual, or in a book... I've got to "just do it!" I've got to make the time to understand, otherwise... I WONT! I won't understand it. I won't know how to do it! I will totally miss out! Is that even an option here? I don't think so!
3. There are people who know what they are doing, and some of them are good friends of mine. I've got to get them to show me how it's done -- Not to do it for me! -- But to show me, so that I can do it myself next time! Why wouldn't I do that? Sometimes just because I think it's not that important. But it is important. I've moved it up on my priority list!
All this has got me thinking... How is any of this, any different than, say, my getting into The Secret Place and going deeper with God? Or my understanding Spiritual Gifts in greater measure? Or hearing the Voice of God more clearly and consistently.
It's not any different!
I'll be taking time on this ROAD TRIP to tap into a wealth of resources, under the guidance and tutorial of The Holy Spirit, in hopes of returning more knowledgeable and capable of spiritual matters that are on my priority list.

Off to pack my RED shoes,
P.S. I'll master this technology thing as well!
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