Early this morning, I headed out the door in RED shoes, to set up for
The Bonfire. I ran into a pastor friend who just finished reading my book,
The Yellow Brick Road: A Woman's Journey to the Edge and Back. We chatted for awhile and I was able to share some encouraging words with him. This man and his wife are Soul-Snatchers for the Kingdom.

"Bless them Lord for their tenacity in this challenging ministry!"
I know they will be greatly rewarded one day for their diligence in being about The Father's business!
Pre-Bonfire, I enjoyed an awesome time of prayer with two of my dearest girlfriends. Together, we came into agreement with one another and with The Holy Spirit, that He would have total liberty to move amongst us in our Bible Study. For about twenty minutes, the three of us huddled together and praised God, prayed and thanked Him for his goodness. Truly it set the stage for the ministry that was to come.

I don't know what it is... but her hands heat up and the penetrating warmth brings relief to my pain inflicted limbs. Sometimes the healing lasts for hours, sometimes for days. Hey... I'd love a full, complete healing -- and I'm believing for that -- but meanwhile I'll take whatever I can get, and if I have to come back for more, I will.

At the very moment she said that, I heard a "snap!" in the atmosphere. Something broke! Every piece of tension in my body released itself, and suddenly I began to weep. The peace of God consumed me, right there and then. "Don't move," I whispered in her ear, as we hugged a little longer. To be honest, I wasn't sure I'd be able to stand if she were to let go of me at that moment. LOL.
Out of the corner of her eye, Bonnie (who was facilitating the study) caught a glimpse of my tears. "Let's just give it another minute or two here," she stated, " I can see that God is doing some work in people's hearts." Ahhhhh! That's what I love about The Bonfire -- God has the liberty to do whatever He wants to do. It's His agenda, not ours!
Our sister, Bonnie, did eventually present a great word on "Pride Prevents Promotion." A message on Truth vs. Lies -- Humility vs. Pride -- God's Way vs. the Way of the World. It was a time of learning for us all. Ultimately, we learned the importance of opening ourselves up to the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to shine His light on us.
I have to laugh... because rarely do I think that I have problem. But from time to time, I will hear God say... "I'm talking to You, Gail!"

You're talking to me?
Oh my gosh... I didn't know!
I didn't realize that I was even doing that!
Lord... Forgive me!
I don't want to be like that.
Rewire me!
Do whatever it takes to change me.
Have mercy on me, Oh Lord!"
A wonderful sister... Deepeka - a pastor's wife from Sri lanka (near India) joined us. She had a time to share about her ministry there and at the end we all gathered around, laid hands on her and prayed. She was refreshed!
Ministry continued at Perkin's Restaurant. That's where we all go for lunch. Between bites of sandwiches, sips of soup and forks full of salad, people continued to testify, encourage and pray for one another. All I know is that my dear sister, Norma, arrived for lunch one way, and left another way -- totally set free! God is doing a wonderful work in her life. I hate to even pick her out of the crowd, because everyone was getting ministered at the lunch table today. God had something for everyone. Talk about an after-party! LOL.
Okay... so you know where Bonnie and I always end up after The Bonfire. Yes... even still, ministry continued at Starbucks where we ran into a friend and her husband. Ahhhhh... talking about the things of God over a Chai latte is a nice way to spend the afternoon. We were all fired up when it began to drizzle outside. Off we headed, in different directions, all filled to capacity!
Finally, I headed out to an evening Bible study where a friend of mine finished up a four week study on The Vine and the Branches (John 15).
It was summed up perfectly with this analogy:
As Christians, we're all friends of God...
but what kind of friend are you?
A Casual friend?
A Close friend?
or an Intimate friend?
I know I'm going for the gusto, and so are many of those around me.
I'm the one in RED shoes!
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