my choice of footwear for the day.
As the day progressed, The Lord continued to speak to me about Hearing From God. After each Bonfire, Bonnie and I meet to debrief, encourage and pray. So, off we went to Starbucks, for a Chai Tea and Chat.
Today was another "Bonfire." It's hard not to talk about The Bonfire, because God's so present at every meeting. Today, Bonnie and I simply showed up, knowing that God had something in store for the group. One of the gals stepped forward, by faith, believing with all her heart that God had given her the word for the morning study. Sure enough, she presented a powerful message, straight from the heart of God! Afterwards, Bonnie pulled it all together with a deeper look at the scripture that was referenced, and we ended with the reading of yesterday's RSP blog and a time of prayer.
God is doing some incredible things in the lives of the women in this group! They are hearing from Him and taking action! They are praising His Name freely. They are testifying of His Mighty Power. They are laying hands on one another and praying. They are stepping out in their spiritual gifting. They are even standing up and preaching His Word! With all that, these women are growing in their faith. They are changing before my very eyes. For that matter... I'm changing too!

I couldn't help but tell her about something God had spoken to me when she was sharing a story with the ladies at lunch. Her life so paralleled with a favorite Bible character of mine, I just couldn't keep it to myself. As I downloaded to her, this picture that God had given me, she was not surprised at all. In fact, God had already shown her that exact same thing, weeks ago. Only thing was... He had shown her even more. "Take a look at this!" she declared as she read some scripture from the Bible Ap on her phone. "Oh my gosh! Here I was thinking that I was speaking into her life... but no, God was using her to speak into my life!" Her story showed how I aligned with another Bible Character. Ultimately God used these two people in the Bible, both individually and together, to powerfully touch lives. I do believe that God was speaking to us -- somewhat prophetically -- about using us in a similar way.
It was so intricately woven together... That's just like God. It was so spiritually motivating... Another "Just like God" thing. And it was so powerfully anointed... That's Just like God, too! There we were in Starbucks, about to explode with joy, as God unleashed His love, revelation and wonder... all around a little 18" round table! Yup... that's how He works sometimes. It's crazy!
At the end of the day, we each went our separate ways. I had an hour to freshen up and get over to the evening Bible Study at church. It was a good night.
"The Vine and the Branches,"
what was the theme?
"The Importance of Abiding in the Vine"
In other words,
"Staying in Relationship with God!"
Sound familiar?
(And I wasn't the one teaching).
God is speaking
this same message
in different ways,
from different angles,
through different people
to get what's on His heart
out there to all of us.
That's one of the things you'll pick up on in time. God speaks through The Holy Spirit that dwells in the hearts of His people. If God wants to say something specific to His church... He tends to say the same thing to this body of believers, that body of believers, and all those bodies of believers. Ministers are not preaching and teaching their own word... they are speaking the word God deposits in their spirits. Get it?
It's all the same Spirit,
so the message is going to be the same!
Oh how I love the way God works! It's amazing, isn't it? That's a good note to leave off on. I will ponder that as I lay my head down to rest.
Blessings to you all,
from the Gal in RED shoes,
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