They are everywhere. They were waiting for me when I took Pauly outside for his morning walk. They attacked again while I was trying to worship in church. When I got in my car to drive home "bang, bang, bang" they smashed against the windsheild of my car.

I thought that was it, but as I sat eating a quiet lunch at home, they reappeared again, outside my window. Finally, I left the house for my prayer walk, and even as I sang and talked with God, they watched and waited at a distance, looking for an opportunity to swoop down on me.

They are the crazy thoughts, pictures, lies and temptations that the enemy catapults at me, in his relentless attempt to distract, discourage and disconnect me from God.
I'm starting to feel like I'm in my own personal remake of Alfred Hitchcock's THE BIRDS!

You can't keep the birds
from flying over your head,
from flying over your head,
but you can keep them from
building a nest in your hair.
building a nest in your hair.
Just yesterday, as I was praying up a storm in the garden, God spoke to me about my walk with Him. As I continued to cry out... "More of You, Lord! Draw me closer! I surrender all!" He warned me that the enemy would attack. He told me that I'd have to put on my spiritual armor every day. He reminded me that I'd have to fight off "the birds!" I know I can never let them rest in my hair or my heart.
What does that mean?
It means that I can't give room to those thoughts, pictures, lies and temptations. I can't dwell on them. I can't spend time thinking about them. I can't let them land in my head or they will do their best to "nest" there. They will want to make my mind their home! And boy... once they've nested... it is ever so difficult to get them out of there.
Fighting them off is easy in comparison.
The Bible says...

Fighting them off is easy in comparison.
The Bible says...
" not give the devil an opportunity to work."
Ephesians 4:27 (ISV)
Being caught in a deluge of tempting thoughts has it's challenges.
Here's some of the things I do to keep them off me:
When I was out walking Pauly, I simply dismissed the thoughts as they popped into my mind. "That's crazy!" I thought, and I started talking to God about the day ahead. For me... it's not sufficient to just not think about it. I have to fill that space in my mind with something else. I can't just leave it empty, or the enemy will keep trying to fill it. Prayer is perfect!
Later, while I was trying to worship at church, I found that I had to open my eyes. (Usually it's the opposite. I close my eyes to focus.) This time, I found it helpful to focus on the song lyrics that were displayed on the screen. As my eyes focused on the words and I sang along boldly, it pushed out and replaced the picture Satan had tried to deposit in my head.
While in my car... solid Christian music that I could sing along with did the trick!
And during my prayer walk... I sang songs of victory almost the entire time. That kept the birds at a distance!
Here's some of the things I do to keep them off me:
When I was out walking Pauly, I simply dismissed the thoughts as they popped into my mind. "That's crazy!" I thought, and I started talking to God about the day ahead. For me... it's not sufficient to just not think about it. I have to fill that space in my mind with something else. I can't just leave it empty, or the enemy will keep trying to fill it. Prayer is perfect!
Later, while I was trying to worship at church, I found that I had to open my eyes. (Usually it's the opposite. I close my eyes to focus.) This time, I found it helpful to focus on the song lyrics that were displayed on the screen. As my eyes focused on the words and I sang along boldly, it pushed out and replaced the picture Satan had tried to deposit in my head.
While in my car... solid Christian music that I could sing along with did the trick!
And during my prayer walk... I sang songs of victory almost the entire time. That kept the birds at a distance!
Eventually, I resorted to my most effective tactic. It works every time! I stop whatever I'm doing, sit down, close my eyes and pray up a storm, in Jesus' Name. It's not my usual prayer. It's an Ephesians 6 prayer. It's a battle prayer that reminds me who I am in Christ and that... "I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me." (Romans 8:37)
"Submit yourselves, then, to God.
Resist the devil,
and he will flee from you."
and he will flee from you."
James 4:7
The day is quickly coming to an end. THANK GOD! Truly, it has been a "Work Day!" But there will always be days like this. Days that I have to work hard to defend my faith, my family, my mind, my call. All things that are dear to my heart.
It's funny because I know better than anyone that I can defend nothing on my own. Sure, it just looks like "Little ole me"... in my RED shoes... but truth be told, I'm surrounded by the the Army of God... His Heavenly Host. I'm protected by the prayers of my "Rubies," family and friends. I'm filled with the power and presence of The Holy Ghost. And I'm wielding the Sword of the Spirit: God's Mighty Word.
That's the life of a Soldier in God's army!
And I'm one of them.
Thank you fellow soldiers for your prayerful support.
It's funny because I know better than anyone that I can defend nothing on my own. Sure, it just looks like "Little ole me"... in my RED shoes... but truth be told, I'm surrounded by the the Army of God... His Heavenly Host. I'm protected by the prayers of my "Rubies," family and friends. I'm filled with the power and presence of The Holy Ghost. And I'm wielding the Sword of the Spirit: God's Mighty Word.
That's the life of a Soldier in God's army!
And I'm one of them.
Thank you fellow soldiers for your prayerful support.
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