I love talking about Jesus... what He's doing in my life, what He's doing in the lives of the people around me and what He's doing in the world. I especially love when people tell me what He's speaking to them through His Word! A personal experience topped with a specific Word from God is glorious! It's like a divine box of chocolates -- the fancy kind. I can't wait to bite into one to see what's hidden inside. Then I just want to delight in the whole experience. Mmmmm!
One Christmas, not all that long ago, I had a box of chocolates sitting on my coffee table. I had been so good at not over-indulging in the cookies, cakes and candies that the holiday season often brings. But this one night, I thought I'd treat myself to one of these delightful confections. I opened the beautiful box only to find that several of the chocolates were half eaten. One of my kids, (who will remain unnamed), was trying to find a chocolate that they liked. They bit into each one until they found the one they wanted. Apparently, the candies that didn't pass the taste test were put back in the box for Mom. They thought, "Mom wont mind!" Mind you, my kids were all grown up at the time. LOL!

Forest Gump is known for saying...
"Life is like a box of chocolates.
You never know what you're going to get."
Personally, I like being surprised. Whether it's the mystery of a chocolate's filling or the unexpected wonder that's unveiled in a Christian's testimony, both are sweet and delectable.
Tonight I headed out to attend a class on leadership at a friend's church. To my surprise, no one I knew was there. Then, right before the service started, someone tapped me on the shoulder and said hello. It was a dear friend I hadn't seen in almost two years. Where had the time gone? I felt my whole face light up with joy. My smile went from one ear to the other. What a blessing! What an unexpected treat! She totally made my day.
Thank you Lord!
After the service, we stopped at a local coffee shop for a hot drink and a chat. There we were, lost in loving conversation, almost as if we had never parted ways. I love those relationships that pick up right where you left off, no matter how much time has gone by.
We talked about our lives. We talked about the Lord... and everything in between. It was a good night. I drove home, thanking God for His wonderful surprises!
God is good!
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