I'm loving my old Bible that I recently pulled out from retirement. Located in the middle of it are Bible studies on various topics. I've been perusing through them, uncovering forgotten treasures buried in scripture. Even today, while I was visiting with my friend, I was pointing out something from one of my studies and there it was: a golden nugget of truth, right from God's Word!

Has that ever happened to you?
Sometimes it's a glow that appears on my face. Other times, it's shown forth as a song that keeps slipping off my lips or a skip that's in my step. LOL. It's a wonderful thing!
That time in God's Word kept me fueled and going for the rest of the day. But by the time I got home, my dial was on empty. Regular gas was not going to cut it here. I was looking for a fill up of Premium Plus. I could have gone out with some friends. I could have watched a movie. I could have done a lot of things. But no... my heart was famished. There's only ONE that can quench this "thirsting of my soul!" His name is JESUS.
QUENCH means to satisfy, to relieve.
"Fill my cup Lord,
Come and quench this thirsting
of my soul!
Bread of Heaven,
feed me till I want no more.
Here's my cup,
fill it up,
and make me whole!"
I have been sitting for several hours, worshipping the King, on and off. It has been wonderful, but I have not broken through into the Secret Place of Most High as of yet. I am determined to get there before I retire for the evening. I must! I simply must!
I am mindful of the "Parable of the Persistent Neighbor" which Jesus told in Luke 11:5-10. A man and his family had long retired for the night when his neighbor came knocking at the door. A guest has unexpectedly arrived at the neighbor's house late at night and the neighbor has no food to serve him. So he has come to the man's home to borrow some groceries. The man doesn't even open the door. He merely yells out that he's sleeping and that he can't help him. But the neighbor doesn't give up. Where else can he/she go at such a late hour? Keep in mind, there was no 24 hour Walmart back then, so he bangs and bangs on the door. Jesus says that eventually the neighbor's persistence will win out, the man will give in, get up and get the neighbor some food.
Perhaps my persistence this evening will win out. I'm off again, to knock on His door.
"Ask and you shall receive.
Seek and you shall find.
Knock and the door will be opened. "
Luke 11:10
Believing He'll answer,
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