Bonnie and I facilitate The Bonfire together. Truly God has given us an incredible unity with each other and Himself for this ministry. Today's message proved that. We tried and tried to touch base with each other yesterday. I kept missing her and she kept missing me. We never did get to go over the intentions of today's meeting in advance. I wasn't able to connect with her until early this morning while in route to the meeting. I asked her,
"Did you get a chance to read the blog I just posted?"
Her response was negative.
"Better take a look," I said, "I posted your picture."
It's the same Spirit that
speaks to Bonnie,
that speaks to me,
that ministers to the women.
oneness -- in one accord -- uniformity -- in agreement
Jesus said,
"where two or three are gathered together ,
in My Name, I am there with them."
Matthew 18:20
Undoubtedly, great things happen when people come together, in like-mindedness, to accomplish something. It's team work at it's best. But even better is when people come together in one accord and submit themselves to the Holy Spirit for His will to be accomplished. With the Holy Spirit at the helm, "All things are possible!"
I cant help but think of Acts 2:1 - 4
"For when the Day of Pentecost had fully come,
they were all in one accord, in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven,
as of a rushing, mighty wind, and it filled
the whole house where they were sitting.
Then there appeared to them divided tongues,
as of fire, and one sat upon each of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit
and began to speak with other tongues
as the Spirit gave them utterance."

This is the same Peter, who witnessed the troops drawing back and falling down when
Jesus stated, "I am He!"
(John 18:6)
He didn't "get it" at the time...
that Jesus was God.
He proceeded to cut off the soldier's ear and then denied Jesus three times. But after being in one accord... after being filled with the Spirit, He "got it!"
I want to "get it" too!
Dont' you?
If the Apostle Peter can miss it, so can any of us.
So I'm determined to stay in alignment with God, in unity with God's people, and in sync with His Spirit....
All in RED shoes, of course!
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