Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 196

Today was  Day 196 of  The Red Shoe Project.  It was also my day of rest.  I got up early, popped on my RED shoes, and headed out to church.

While there, I bumped into my friend Jody.  She glows.  No really... she glows.  She's like a lighthouse in a storm.  She has the biggest, brightest, most beautiful smile, not to mention,  the warmest heart.  When she talks... well, she just bubbles over with joy.  She's so happy!  And it shows.  I would imagine that anyone coming near her would just have to inquire about what makes her so happy.
I know the answer.  It's  JESUS.  
She's in love with Jesus!
How awesome is that?

It just goes to show you that Relationship
speaks so much louder that Religion.

Lighthouses specialize in shining a bright light so that boaters who are in darkness - especially in a storm - can find their way home.  It's my prayer that many will be drawn to Jody's light, find their way out of difficulty and darkness, and home to God.

Well, I'm  off to rest and relax.  Today will be a day of reading for me and maybe a nice prayer walk later.

In RED shoes, 

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