Glory Tabernacle is a small church. It reminded me of the church I co-pastored years ago in Rhode Island. When I arrived, I found the light switches and turned them on. I proceeded to walk up and down the isles, touching every chair and praying for the person that would sit there. After that, I began straightening the rows of chairs that were in disarray from last night's service. I love when the House of God is in order. For years, that was one of my jobs... I cleaned our church and made sure that everything was in order. Oh how this church was bringing back memories.
Did you know that I was married for twenty years and that I had co-pastored a church? That was a long time ago. Those nine years of being a pastor's wife of a church plant were some of the best times of my life. My children were babies. We were a young family serving the Lord with all our hearts. I was working full time for Jesus. What's better than that?
Years later I was divorced. I tell my story in The Yellow Brick Road: A Woman's Journey to the Edge and Back. Thinking back to that time in my life now, it's hard to remember the details of those wonderful days. Sometimes when you experience something very painful, you forget it and only remember the good things. In my case, the painful things stayed in the forefront of my mind and the good things were forgotten. At the time of the divorce, I was so broken, I just had to shut that door completely and move on.

Eventually there it was:

I know it sounds so simple, but that small act of remembering was a giant leap of faith for me. It was scary. I trusted that this act of faith that God was requiring of me was as important as He suggested it was. And I trusted God to keep me safe. He did. Why now? It was just time. It was His time. It was a significant piece of the process, all orchestrated by God, Himself.

As I enjoyed this wonderful time of bathing in worship, an extraordinary thing happened...
God showed me a vision.
I saw myself, standing before God, bent over slightly, with my mouth wide open. Coming from my mouth was a thick, fisherman's rope. God was pulling the rope, hand over hand, from my mouth. Three big bundles of fish were attached to the rope and came forth, from my mouth, one at a time.
He said to me...
"This is going to hurt,
but it will be worth it."
I remember responding to Him,
"I birthed three kids, all naturally,
and one of them was 9 pounds, 14 ounces."
I can do this!"
Mama Fire told me later that the fish represent souls and that whenever God brings this vision to my mind, I need to get on my face and pray it through.
If God said it, in His time, He'll do it.
Some road trip, huh? God is blessing us all at Glory Tabernacle. This church is perfectly named, for the Glory of God certainly dwells in this sanctuary.
Just another day in RED shoes!
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