Day 143 of
The Red Shoe Project has me in the Guest Cottage of Ashlea Manor and up at the crack of dawn, choosing a pair of
RED shoes. Every day thus far has been an early morning rise for me. Some mornings 4 a.m. others 4:30. One day I fell asleep at 8 p.m. and was up at 2 a.m. That was great until about noontime the next day. Jet lag? Probably.
But God is using it to get me alone with Him. I must admit, He is the highlight of my day. It's at this early morning encounter that He breathes life and strength into my heart. My spirit is filled with JOY and that's what puts a smile on my face.
This morning I looked carefully at my small sampling of RED travel shoes. I was feeling a little weary and weighed down. So what is it that I do when I'm like that?
RED shoes!
They remind me of the Goodness of God and that no matter what, All is well with my soul!
At 8:30 a.m. I headed over to the main house for a real Scottish Breakfast, hosted by the owners of Ashlea Manor, John and Ros. As soon as I walked in the door, John remarked, "Look! You've got RED shoes on like the girl from the Wizard of Oz!" Yup... I liked him from the moment I met Him! How could I not? Ros cooked me up a breakfast fit for a queen! Scrumptous! But there was something there that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Something warm and wonderful! Something familiar.

As Ros cooked away, John carried on the most wonderful conversation. He's very personable and a delight to dine with. He pointed out pictures of his children and asked me about mine. On the far end of the dining room there was a baby grande piano. I inquired about it, only to find that John, not only plays at his church, but he's working with a young soloist, cutting a CD, to help fund a missionary endeavor to Romania. How delightful it was to find someone who talked my language! I even managed to get him to play me a few tunes on the piano. It was wonderful!
He and Ros were a breath of fresh air to my somewhat withered soul. I was truly thankful for their fellowship and hospitality.
Breakfast was over far too soon. But I was on a schedule. There was traveling and visiting to do. Now I was fueled up and ready for whatever the day had in store. Thank you Lord. You surprised me!
The Girl in
RED shoes,
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